Hi everyone, apologies if this has been asked/answered but I couldn't find anything through forum or google searches! As part of the (rather fun) career mode, I wanted to to drop little science packages under parachute from planes or rockets, and then land the original vessel before then recovering the science packages. First attempt with a plane, I inevitably then ran into the problem that anything parachuting or falling will be removed if you're more than 2.5km away! So, while I can manage when doing a low and slow flypast in a plane before going into a hard turn just after release, it does rather scupper my plans to scatter a load of parachute probes over EVE in a single grazing flyby. So, is there any way to alter or remove this auto-remove range? Or could someone create a mod to do so? I realise it could potentially increase either game load or instability, but I don't have any particular knowledge of specifics. (Oh, and yes I could just swap to control the probe and ride it down - but like I said, I'd like to be able to scatter probes widely from a rocket or at greater altitude and speed from a plane).