Sorry for posting here, but I can't see where the bug reporting forum has gone? Anyway, I wanted to check if the issue I've been noticing is unique to me, or a .90 "feature" Since building my first few spaceplanes in a stock (excluding KER) game of .90, I've noticed that my root part sometimes seems to be shrunk on launch: At first, I thought this was some sort of physics issue as I had a bunch of small parts crammed onto it and potentially colliding... but I've since noticed it a few different times. For comparison, here's how it looks in the SPH: I hadn't noticed this in previous versions (I didn't play much .25 though), I'm using the 32bit version and my only mod is KER. I may have used the root tool to select them, I can't honestly remember - but it's happened on multiple builds, and seems to be consistent for a build once it's happened the first time.