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Nick Seafort

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Everything posted by Nick Seafort

  1. Sorry for posting here, but I can't see where the bug reporting forum has gone? Anyway, I wanted to check if the issue I've been noticing is unique to me, or a .90 "feature" Since building my first few spaceplanes in a stock (excluding KER) game of .90, I've noticed that my root part sometimes seems to be shrunk on launch: http://imgur.com/GaeWpcP. At first, I thought this was some sort of physics issue as I had a bunch of small parts crammed onto it and potentially colliding... but I've since noticed it a few different times. For comparison, here's how it looks in the SPH: http://imgur.com/ZZsThew I hadn't noticed this in previous versions (I didn't play much .25 though), I'm using the 32bit version and my only mod is KER. I may have used the root tool to select them, I can't honestly remember - but it's happened on multiple builds, and seems to be consistent for a build once it's happened the first time.
  2. Ahah, of course... sorry, I should have realised - stupid of me! Thanks for all the quick responses =D
  3. Hi everyone, apologies if this has been asked/answered but I couldn't find anything through forum or google searches! As part of the (rather fun) career mode, I wanted to to drop little science packages under parachute from planes or rockets, and then land the original vessel before then recovering the science packages. First attempt with a plane, I inevitably then ran into the problem that anything parachuting or falling will be removed if you're more than 2.5km away! So, while I can manage when doing a low and slow flypast in a plane before going into a hard turn just after release, it does rather scupper my plans to scatter a load of parachute probes over EVE in a single grazing flyby. So, is there any way to alter or remove this auto-remove range? Or could someone create a mod to do so? I realise it could potentially increase either game load or instability, but I don't have any particular knowledge of specifics. (Oh, and yes I could just swap to control the probe and ride it down - but like I said, I'd like to be able to scatter probes widely from a rocket or at greater altitude and speed from a plane).
  4. For clarification, I was just posting that to help clarify some of the discussion about radiators as I had seen the authors and others talking about it. Also, as someone on an astronautics course who has spent months dinking about with this gunk, I needed some kind of practical outlet
  5. If you look at this picture of the ISS, you can see the white radiators are essentially flat sheets that are placed perpendicular to the plane of the solar panels. The reason for this is that radiators can also *accept* heat from sources such as the sun, heating your craft. As such, having them placed perpendicular to the panels (which should always be facing the sun) should ensure the radiators never face the sun. In terms of body mounted radiators, they also tend to simply be flat surfaces - however, in this case the satellite is either pointed so as not to present radiators to direct sunlight (except if the satellite is getting chilly for some reason) or they have louvers (shutters) that can alter their radiative properties.
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