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Posts posted by Scottiths

  1. Ok, awesome. So it sounds like what I want to do is build an SSTO with a combo of Rapier and Turbojets since the Rapier's don't really do a good job of getting up to speed until you already have speed. Is there any easy way to work nuke engines in easily? Or are those days past? Back before 1.0 I would use Turbojets/rapiers to get to orbit and then use the nukes to go elsewhere. I had a Mun ferry that would bring new crew to the mun, but that's kinda changed now :P

  2. Can someone explain to me exactly what changed with the jet engines? It seems like they lose thrust the higher up I get. Is there a trick to using air breathing engines in an SSTO now that I am not understanding? I can't even get the stock stearwing D45 to orbit anymore (I used to be able to).

    Help would be appreciated.

  3. I got one of my ships stranded at the Mun without enough fuel to get back. So I did the sensable thing and EVAed to remove parts and reduce weight (by using KAS which is a great mod). However, for some reason when I detached something it would reset the surface velocity of my kerbal to zero so he would instantly start falling toward the Mun. I used hyper edit to basically put him back in orbit near the ship and proceeded to continue stripping it till I had enough Dv to get home.

  4. So if you subscribe to space.com (I expect a lot of you do) then you know that NASA recently tested an engine that basically creates thrust without using any fuel at all. Is this something you would like to see in KSP, or would this just make the game too easy and never mind that its real :P

    Here is a link to one of the stories about the so called impossible engine.


  5. A lot of it has to do with mods as mentioned. If you have Kethane you need to build a sat/probe to scan for it. If you have scansat you need to build a sat to do the scanning. If you have remote tech 2 you need to build com relays. That sort of thing. That and probes are lighter so they are easier to launch and you can still do science with them (you just can't get the EVA / crew report science from them)

  6. I mean for maneuver nodes? I accidentally scrolled my mouse wheel over a prograde marker on a maneuver node and was shocked when it increased the DV of the node. Apparently you can move the node really fast or super slow (like .1 dv per click of wheel slow) with the mouse wheel now. Has this always been there and it took me this long to figure out? Or is this new and noone talks about it? :P

  7. I am having a problem where when I build something and then release it I can no longer go to the space center or end flight. I have started building and then clicked space center and it worked. I finished building and returned to space center just fine. I have finalized building and returned to space center. However, as soon as I release the finished rocket I can no longer return to space center. I have to Alt+f4 to exit the game. Any ideas for whats wrong? I have remote tech 2 installed and a few others.

    Not sure what version I am on. Saw the fix a page ago. Will try new version to check if it was me downloading the wrong version.


    My bad, downloaded a bad version. Seperate question though, how do I turn on instant build?

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