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    Rocketry Enthusiast

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  1. No problem, the logs were too large for pastebin, so I hope Google Drive is ok? ksp.log Player.log Ohh boy, modlist... Visual mods include: AD Astra which requires Environmental Visual Enhancements and Scatterer; Distant Object Enhancement; Planetshine and finally TUFX which is causing the changes to the lighting.
  2. Thanks for getting back to me, this is the path to the texture file: Kerbal Space Program/GameData/KopernicusExpansion/Textures/KerbalEVAFootprintMask.dds
  3. Hi there, I am struggling to get the footprints to work correctly for me. I am running 1.11 on Linux with JNSQ planet pack. As you can see below the footprints appear as black rectangles. Many thanks in advance.
  4. Everything loads fine now, thank you
  5. Beautiful work, however not all the parts seem to be loading for me. Iv'e attached my log file to try and help you find the source of the problem. http://pastebin.com/BQDTLy1T [ERR 19:01:16.564] - Texture loading errors start [LOG 19:01:36.793] - Part compiling errors start I have tried KSP version 1.1.2 and 1.1.3, games are stock other than this mod.
  6. Tried that and it doesn't work, I just tried a clean windows installation and the same thing still happens
  7. I loaded up my modded game and my antivirus went crazy, it thought every .dll in the game was a virus and then moved them all to quarantine. I uninstalled the antivirus and re downloaded all the mods but now the .dll files seem to delete automatically. I dont have a module-manager.dll or mechjeb.dll etc. I re downloaded a clean KSP install and tried that, same thing again. Whenever I try to load the game, it crashes after 10 seconds at a white screen, none of the parts even begin to load. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-wDGzeDISakflZYd2lYSVdpR0F3VmF3dko2ZTVDTHhpd29SX1VURlVqWWV3eUttRVR3eEk&usp=sharing
  8. For me I've noticed that some of the FASA and LazTek fuel tanks are not configured for real fuels. I have all the relevant mods up to date but can't seem to work out what the problem is. I also attempted to look through the StockAlike_Engines_RF.cfg file but it looked way to complicated for me. Any help would be great, thanks.
  9. Ill try that, thanks for the help Edit: It worked
  10. It happens in sandbox mode, the Buran, Ares 1 and Ares V wont load, all the others are ok. I have downloaded twice from spaceport and unzipped using two different programs so I doubt it is an installation problem unless you can think of anything else.
  11. Anyone else have a problem where you cannot open a .craft file in the VAB because it says "locked or invalid parts". Searched on the thread but i couldnt find any fix.
  12. Hi, I am having problems with antennae animations when using this mod, when I right click on it there is no option for it to be deployed so the antennae always remain folded away. I have looked through this thread and found that other people have had the same problem but I haven't been able to find a fix. If anyone would be able to help that would be great, thanks.
  13. OK, I'll see what I can do tommorow and will post an update.
  14. Thanks for the advice, I will. Also, does anyone know how to texture the fairings so that I can have a different texture on the inside compared to the outside because at the moment I have a Pegasus logo on the inside.
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