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  1. Is it usually safe to keep the same save between updates (barring major revision changes, like 0.9 to 1.0) ? Let's say a module is modified, i.e a stock antenna is adapted for RemoteTech (changed/gained properties), and it's being used on one of my crafts. And KSP updates, and changes properties of that antenna, let's say reduced energy drain. What happens ? Does the part on the craft stay the same, but every other craft launched with that part after the update uses the updated part ? Does the part on the craft update nicely (energy drain changes, nothing else messes up) ? Does the part on the craft revert to the stock updated part, losing it's RemoteTech properties ? Does the part on the craft become corrupted ? How are active crafts saved ? Each craft is a tree of references to parts (commandModule1 connected to largeSASModule connected to ... etc) Each craft is a tree of part definitions (commandModule { energyDrain : 0.2; energyCapacity: 10; ... } conncted to ... etc) If I have no active crafts, and I'm in a sandbox game, so I don't need to worry about science tree / contracts, is there anything that can break with a mod/KSP update ? (i.e start sandbox, fly to Mun, plant a flag on the Mun, return to Kerbin, recover vessel) In other words, is there any data in a save other than crafts/kerbals/debris/flags/date that could be broken ? (an example would be Dwarf Fortress, each "save", aka world, has it's own copy of the game data, or Skyrim, which has a lot of script data in save games) I'dd like to understand this as to be able to make decisions as to whether keep my save or start a new one when KSP/mods update. Kind of sucks when I'm done setting up a RemoteTech satellite network, picked a spot on the Mimnus for a base, and bam, update. Do I need to start over ? PS: I realize that I probably would have needed a new save game for 0.90 -> 1.0, it's a major update, but do I need a new save for 1.0 -> 1.0.1 ? 1.0.1 -> 1.1 ?
  2. Does not work. Launcher stuck. Patcher can't login, 404s. Google DNS and DNS cache flushed. Launcher/Patcher is FUBARed, was hoping for some fixes in 1.0.1 Theyve always had issues with the update process.
  3. If I install RemoteTech to use in a existing save game, and have no active crafts, will there be any problems ? Or do I need to start a new save for RemoteTech (or any other mod for that matter) ?
  4. Same problem, 2 days later. Patcher freshly downloaded by the Launcher from ksp-win-1-0-0.zip. Authentication Getting login token... Unable to authenticate with the server: Received malformed data from the server: File not found.
  5. I don't have AVC installed (clean install, only a handful of mods), it's a popup right when the game starts loading saying "Incompatible Mods Detected", "Some installed mods may be incompatible with this version [...] These mods are incompatible with KSP 1.0.0: Firespitter". If you're saying all the dependencies are updated to 1.0 for Karbonite (since it shows up in the 'All' category), then that means the Firespitter Core is also updated. But the game is saying it isn't. I don't know what the game does when it detects an incompatible mod, if it doesn't load it then that means it needs to be fixed, even if it's just changing a version number in the metadata of the DLL. EDIT: Also, looks like CKAN has a problem with Active Texture Manager: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-1-0-Release-5-0-April-28-2015-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM%21?p=1886053&viewfull=1#post1886053
  6. So some mods that are tagged as 1.0 compatible require other mods which are not updated to 1.0, but are included in the updated mod. I.e USI Kolonization Systems requires Firespitter Core and Toolbar. Both of these updated versions are in the .rar on their download page. But if you install it via CKAN, it will download the old Firespitter Core and Toolbar, instead of using the ones in the package. There's probably no "right" solution to this. I'm just noticing this, which is kind of misleading. Some mods are updated but their dependencies aren't. Maybe for a mod to be shown as compatible with the installed version, all of it's dependencies must also be ?
  7. My DNS servers are and (Google's) and the Launcher/Updater don't work (unless you meant using the Google DNS for accessing the website via browser).
  8. Same, Launcher doesn't go past Checking for Updates and Patcher has the "Busy" topmost window stuck at 0% while there is the "Login" window in the background. Issue persists after a DNS flush on Windows 7. KSP 0.90 32bit.
  9. Just a small sanity check, does every mod available through CKAN reside in it's own GameData/xxx folder (minus the DLLs, which are in GameData itself), and never in the vanilla folders or elsewhere ? If so, this means I can update KSP through it's launcher safely and have a clean install (minus the mods in GameData) and then sort through those and update them. Correct ?
  10. If they make the MP feature require Steam, I assume they would give a Steam key for every KSP Store copy and stop selling it there.
  11. Tase


    I'll try out 1.0's career, but not without a couple of career enhancing mods (along with the usual set of mods). Vanilla contracts are kinda lacking once you add mods like RemoteTech.
  12. Well I couldn't understand why they didn't offer the transfer to everyone and when I made a ticket I never got an answer. But if they had a deal with Steam to get x amount of keys for x amount of accounts that existed by March 20th, then there's nothing they could do about accounts created after that date. I just wish that one sentence in the FAQ didn't start with a Yes.
  13. No I bought it in April and the cut-off was March 20th. What bugged me also was in the FAQ, the first word is Yes and only the last few words of the rather long paragraph have any mention of the cutoff date. Rather misleading. "I bought the game on the KSP Store, but I want it on Steam. Will you give me a Steam Key? Yes, we now offer the choice to..." And the fact that at the time the updater was bugged so every new version meant a re-download. But OK, you had a deal with Steam, never heard of this before, even when putting in a ticket, so I always assumed it was carelessness. Guess I'll just have to pay twice to get it on my preferred CDN provider.
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