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Everything posted by erendrake

  1. Alright, now that people are starting to find bugs its time for another pre-release. Im thinking that i want to feature lock 0.11.1 with these features, get it tested and out. Then get the rest of the docking milestone finished https://github.com/erendrake/KOS/releases/tag/v0.11.1P2 This adds New Vector math Disk Space is now defined in the kos part module, new hard cap is 655360 bytes as well as everything from the first pre-release
  2. Crap i forgot to look at LOCK STEERING and this new flight control at the same time. That will have to get fixed! About letting go of these new controls, I added ship:control:neutralize that should set everything to 0 and then release control. I was trying to figure out how to let go without a "turn me off" command and i couldn't quite figure it out.
  3. It doesnt let you adjust it per ship, Only globally so far I was looking for a way for KOS to allow for a grasshopper style booster return. Saw the load distance and thought "why not!" I actually havent tested it yet but it looks pretty fun I did find a "Pack" distance that is adjustable per vessel and addeded it, thinking that maybe we could prevent vessels from getting unloaded? Again i havent really tested it yet
  4. It isnt in yet, if you look at the Docking milestone there are quite a few things i wanted for this release that i havent finished yet, and this is one of them. I am pretty tempted to release this direct flight part and let everyone find bugs while i work on the rest of the docking features. What do you think?
  5. I agree, lets make a ticket and figure out exactly what we want. https://github.com/erendrake/KOS/issues/44
  6. PRINT SHIP:VELOCITY. returns the string representation of the orbitalvelocity vector, what i was considering removing was the string that you cannot use as a vector because it is a string, I was thinking instead for structures to return. PRINT SHIP:VELOCITY. Type: VesselVelocity. Members: ORBIT, SURFACE. so everyone doesnt have to run to the web every time they cannot remember the manyfold members of VesselTarget. I just want to say that if/when scripters are confronted with the other vector type, that is a bug. I would love for you guys to let me know when that happens because like you say, it is useless for you.
  7. Right now when you take a surface sample. You can take it to the pod and transmit from there. I imagine that a pod would have some tools for analysis (eg scale, special lighting for photography), but you are still sending from there. I honestly haven't looked at the science discount part of the API, Maybe make surface samples transmitted from EVA cap even earlier that those transmitted from the pod?
  8. It doesnt, "No Comms" message appears. It would be kinda neat to have a very short range transmitter in the suit maybe 1-3km?
  9. You are correct, Honestly i have been thinking about taking it out because its fairly useless and confusing fully trapping keys is not something I have looked at yet and should. It does look like HullCameraVDS does allow you to move its keybindings if it is really bothering you. if you add a ticket to the github issue tracker we can try to work on it soon
  10. We have been talking about lately how to deal with the inconsistency in reference frame that the KSP API presents to us and how we want to abstract away the crazy from kOS scripters. Expect more of this in weeks to come. Velocity is not a vector, It is a structure with a few vectors in it http://erendrake.github.io/KOS/structure/vessel/ This is the new documentation site that we started this weekend and will keep working on What would you like us to do about this?
  11. Alright people, new pre-release is out https://github.com/erendrake/KOS/releases/tag/v0.11.1P1 This adds Direct Flight control vessel load distance random number generator More engine stats Off to bed.
  12. I will likely restart my campaign. As i do with every release.
  13. Shameless bump, People should know about this mod.
  14. Are you managing the throttle by hand and using KOS to just manage staging? if so you should be able to watch fuel flow by calculating the change in available fuel. In the next release you will be able to watch the throttle directly with SHIP:CONTROL:MAINTHROTTLE.
  15. I agree with you that XYZ are overloaded, this is why i asked for suggestions for names. I think that if we explicitly call out the XYZ axis in the documentation calling it STARBOARD/TOP/FORE makes sense. I do like the nautical wording as they are very explicit.
  16. I agree that there should be consistency and ease of use for KOS users. I am willing to add as much complexity to KOS itself as needed to abstract API weirdness. I have a stranger idea for how to deal with both the rotational and translational setting. How would you feel with something like this? LOCK TRANSLATION TO V(1,-0.25,0). LOCK ROTATION TO V(0,0,-1). This would only work for the active vessel and I'm not 100% on this being a schematically correct use of vector For all vessels We could use SET TARGET:CONTROL:TRANSLATE TO V(1,-0.25,0). LOCK TARGET:CONTROL:ROTATE TO V(0,0,-1).
  17. You should be able to look at SHIP:OBT:PATCHES It contains a list of all of the orbit segments and how they end. FOR patch in SHIP:OBT:PATCHES { PRINT patch:BODY. PRINT patch:TRANSITION. } I have tested the new patches and i have tested the FOR loop but i never tested them together, Please let me know how it goes. Update: Crap! Looks like i have work to do on that sorry about that. Update2: Looks like I flubbed on an inequality. looks like we are releasing again sooner than i thought.
  18. sorry about the caps, they are not required, we are still case insensitive for things like this Sure, I am not sure if it is actually is the same as SAS but its in the API and i think its useful.
  19. it looks like it will work like this, there are 6 controls: pitch, roll, yaw, xTranslate, (anyone have a better name for these?) yTranslate, zTranslate they are all floats and should accept any value between 1 and -1 i think? im not 100% on the domain. there will also be two flags you can toggle: Neutral, Kill neutral just resets everything to 0, kill takes over and tries to steady your ship. there are a few other properties in the bag like trim that i havent hooked up yet and might not, not sure. Ill try
  20. It shouldn't be too bad. there are two tools you will need to learn a bit about * git * markdown neither are hard 1. I would make a github account. 2. Download the github app for your platform (win/mac) 3. Fork https://github.com/erendrake/KOS 4. Use the github app to clone KOS and switch to the gh-pages-source branch 5. Make changes to any of the *.md files. 6. in the github app, commit and sync your changes. 7. make a pull request and ill get the changes into the documentation. Sorry it was 7 steps, If you have any trouble with any of them i would be happy to help you out. PM me and we can chat about it
  21. I now realize that the ALCOR project found a way to get this data, its pretty crazy to get it but im going to give it a shot
  22. I Added index grammar along with the list and it actually took quite a bit of work so of course I failed to include it in the docs SET foo TO bar#3. alternatively you can use a variable to index into a list SET blarg TO 3. SET foo TO bar#blarg. Unfortunately, I don't have the following statement working yet. SET bar#3 TO "foo" the ITERATOR is a structure that was built before I added the FOR command... . I ran out of time this weekend getting that doc in. EDIT: the FOR command WHICH I ALSO FORGOT TO ADD TO THE DOCS :P
  23. Short answer: YES! Its one of the branches of the project on Github https://github.com/erendrake/KOS/tree/gh-pages-source/ Longer answer: I wrote this site using a ruby framework called Middleman, you dont need to know/use ruby ( i dont know any ruby ) to do anything with it. As it's mainly there for the templating and compilation. The pages are written in markdown (eg https://github.com/erendrake/KOS/blob/gh-pages-source/source/structure/vessel.md) I cannot agree with you more, I welcome and encourage anyone who wants to contribute to do so, as it frees me to do more work on the next release of kOS. You are welcome, Proper documentation was on my list as a major blocker for new coders. I want to add some videos and examples of simple ascenders/landers/ect. That is a strange one, it appears to only be valid for "non euler" Directions. All user defined R() are euler so this "DIRECTION:VECTOR" property are only valid for the following built-in terms. VESSEL:FACING VESSEL:DIRECTION VESSEL:UP VESSEL:NORTH I dont know if it is terribly useful and i was thinking about taking it out because it was never advertised before and its usage will be confusing.
  24. You can use an external text editor to edit any file in your archive. There is no external terminal.
  25. Sorry about that change, I getting ready for addons to be able to add their own sensors so i wanted that member to be pluralized. That was compounded by not being in the changelog. My bad. Btw the new Reference document site is up http://erendrake.github.io/KOS/ Let me know what you think.
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