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  1. I agree. Specs or a change log will just speed up things.
  2. I'm a software dev myself (I hate to start a post like this) and I think save games shouldn't break. Once the game is released (1.0) Squad will need a way to migrate save games to new formats anyway. It's very unlikely the save game format will be stay unchanged forever. It can't be impossible to migrate the save games to the new format. It's just something that one dev has to implement. A save game migrating workflow will definitely be needed in the future. Start a kickstarter or something for it and I'll pay. I know that dev time isn't a free resource. Squad, don't break our sandbox projects. You know the format of the save games. Just spend the hours/days to write a converter. It's summer for a lot of people anyways so we should be able to wait a few more days for an update (while doing some outdoor activities). Or just release the save game format specs and someone in the community will write a converter. I imagine that a lot of players spent a lot of hours or even days on projects. Do you really want to ruin every large scale mission until 1.0?
  3. You're right. Would make more sense as an arcade game: repair/maintain the ship, destroy obstacles, launches the probes, etc.
  4. I've docked 4 ports at once without a problem and they even withstand rotating my station posted here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/27036-Aligned-Docking?p=329689#post329689 All 4 ports have an undock option. It works.
  5. So, Daedalus then? 0.12c, ion-driven probes, dust bugs and repair robots... On second thought: maybe that's not kerbal-like, too much planning involved.
  6. You can rotate parts in the VAB using the WASDQE keys.
  7. I wonder if the Squad could put an invisible planet/moon where the Lagrange are? No collision mesh, etc. Would this even behave like a Lagrange point?
  8. Are there any save file editors for OS X (or multi platform) with outline views and all the things good IDEs spoil developers with? Currently I'm using TextMate with code folding (F1) to manually hide vessels I don't need at the moment. What's the file format for the save files (for syntax highlighting)? Something proprietary? I wish it was JSON; would make things a lot easier.
  9. http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/
  10. But, but.... I've paid full alpha price for this game and I demand unpromised weekly updates!
  11. Take a look at the Activity Monitor (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1342) to see whether you are running out of RAM. My early 2011 MBP has 8GB and that's plenty for KSP. It runs be until I'm near my space station. But even then my graphics card and CPU aren't used to their full potential. IIRC Unity doesn't support multiple CPUs and the physics are all calculated in one core. Correct me if I'm wrong but KSP isn't the most optimized game. Heck, I can run RAGE in my 24 inch Cinema Display's native resolution without a problem but my space station only refreshes three times per second. (Which is a pity as KSP is already amazing!) Edit & tl;dr: Enough RAM, nothing else.
  12. Fuel transfer should work as the Jrs are fuel cross feed capable. I haven't tried it yet, though. I've launched full fuel tanks. For the worst case, my tanks have a docking port directly attached to them so I should be good. Edit (just remembered): I've transferred monoprop to different station segments from my fuel tanks. So it does work. I've used the subassembly loader but could've done without it. The trick is to load the fuel dock frame (the part attached to the station), add the tanks with all parts (you want to get the correct height) and the build the lock part to match it. I couldn't attach the lock part to the tanks in the VAB so I've unattached the whole tank/frame part (red translucent in editor) and eyeballed the correct sizes. To make sure it works you could build test rovers and try the docking on the launch pad I guess. I did it the Kerbal way: eyeballing and trying it in space first
  13. Thanks I've used no mods and have bought KSP three weeks ago. Started building the station two weeks ago and had most trouble with the launcher rockets and not docking. Best thing to do while docking is be patient and use the chase cam (which I didn't for the first few dockings).
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