Hey Majiir, I watched the recording from your recent stream and had a thought on your sparks emitter. I don't know whether this is possible, but have you tried swapping the vertical sparks over to a flattened toroidal emitter? That should allow you to drop the number of particles you need to spawn for a given visible effect, instead of spawning the majority inside the mesh where players can't see them. That might not work best for the "sideways" sparks, but it seems like it would be an improvement for the others. Another possible change is to maybe rotate that emitter based on the angle between the drill's ray vector and the ground's normal vector, so the emissions spawn from the ground and travel relative to the drill's direction? Maybe alter the stretch dimensions based on an "arccos(drillray:groundnorm)" function to more closely fit the drill's arm? Apologies if these are not possible. I don't know Unity or KSP's limitations in regards to these but if you can emit from a sphere, I figure a torus is a possibility. And if you can apply stretch transforms, I figure that rotations are also possible. The only part I'm really uncertain of is obtaining the ground normal vector and rotating to match it... Regardless, this is a great mod that expands KSP in a way that likely won't see any significant developer attentions for a while yet, and I appreciate the work you and others have put into getting Kethane as well developed as it already is.