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Posts posted by SkipSpikowski

  1. So just to clarify: if I have a sat at Duna and it points to Kerbin and one at Kerbin that points at Duna, then they will connect, correct?

    it's just the closest you can get to having a dish behave like an Omni. Instead of having to specifically tell it what satellite to point at to get a link between two planets, it will auto-connect to any satellite orbiting the planet within its cone to give you a link back to MC on Kerbin
  2. I figured it was something I was doing, but didn't know what because inside the Kerbin SOI I can just target the Mun or Minmus and have the Sats around the moons target Kerbin and it works. But I see what you're saying. I need to actually target the probe and the proble needs to target the relay station.

    Your probe is targetting Kerbin? Which has nothing to receive transmission from your probe except in a very narrow window of time when Mission Control has line of sight to your probe? Mission Control also only has the ability to reach inside its own SOI for communication.

    You have no network with everything you've built and aimed. You just have a thing in space attempting to talk to the Sun and Duna and a probe trying to talk to the planet Kerbin. Nothing is connected. Communication is a two-way street and you don't even have one way.

  3. I'm having an issue with an interplanetary probe. When it leaves the SOI of Kerbin I lose coms with it.

    Here's how I have my network configured:

    Probe (Untitled Space Craft <- because I forgot to change the name):Kr-14 targeting Kerbin

    Relay Station in Geostat: targets Mission Control with a DTS and KR-14's targetting Duna and Sun.

    I assume I am doing something wrong but I'm not sure what.

  4. This is pretty cool. I have been messing around with it for awhile and really like it.

    Question: if a resource is not available in the atmosphere, say ammonia, and I set up a scoop to try an capture some, will the module simply not give me the option or will it just chug away pulling in nothing? I ask because I tried it and the option just disappeared when I set it to ammonia while sitting on the launchpad at Kerbin.

  5. I use several mods, but I always pull out the parts I don't want to keep the part number down. In Nova, I only use the struts and KW I only use the SRB's. I think B9, Kethane, and KAS are the only mods where I use all the parts. The robotics packs are pretty amazing too as you can build arms. I have basically built a space station with shuttles and the arm on the station. Mods and plugins make this game a whole lot better.

  6. I don't think the tech tree will get extra hard, but if it is a tutorial for new players and then they add money to said tutorial, it will then mean that you may not be able to do the same thing you have done. Plus, then they might add mission control and whole other sets of nonsense that will make the tutorial even more expansive. Once it is done, I imagine it will be incredibly simple like all tutorials - you know, Press A to move to the left - This is a rocket, it makes your ship go up. I also doubt that this will even be the tutorial in the end.

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