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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. My Kerbals were busy busy today. First they had a successful docking of a fuel tanker to their space station. Monumental this was as it was the crowning achievement of many hours, crashes, explosions, near misses and beautiful re-entry effects. With this success the decided to embark on another previously aborted mission attempt: put a satellite around another planet! Duna was the destination and after a number of re-workings to the launch vehicle we had success! Not an ounce of fuel left and needing to use RCS to put the final tweaks on the orbit around Duna my Kerbals breathed a sigh of relief and enjoyed the view of Duna. Last, but certainly not least, my Kerbals decided it was time to build a rover and have Jeb do some trial runs on Kerbin. Here's the Imgur album: Time for some R&R for my Kerbals before they build some kind of crazy launch vehicle to get their new rover to the Mun....and beyond!
  2. Here's a few pics of my rover in action, http://imgur.com/a/lPRxx#0 Testing on Kerbin for structural integrity and handling Mun Approach Arrival on the Mun (nailed the landing first try, was beyond stoked) What a P I T A this thing was to fly.
  3. This is the first part of my space station, I haven't mastered docking yet but when I do I'll be adding some escape pods and a refueling station. Plenty of docking ports and room for 24 Kerbals.
  4. Greetings! My first successful Mun landing occurred this evening!! after many explosive impacts of previous attempts. Jeb is tickled pin...er green at being on Mun in one piece and went for a nice EVA. After fully exhausting his jet-pack investigating a crater he posed for a few mug shots near his craft, the K.R.A.L.K mkII (Kerbal Rescue and Lander Kraft). Next is a return to Kerbin, hopefully there is enough fuel. This kraft is part lander, part rescue pod manned by a single Kerbal with room to pickup 4 more. No docking ports on this model. The 4 LV-N engines and bottom fuel tanks eject after re-entry and the Rockmax 24-77 radial engines are there to provide retro thrust so the Hitchhiker can doesn't explode on impact. I haven't attempted a return flight yet, it was enough to land on the Mun tonight. Although I have tested re-entry on previous failed attempts and the top portion will float or land successfully on its legs as long as you slow down enough. 4 parachutes on the top helps to reduce the over-all speed of the kraft but not quite enough to survive a landing. I took a few shots of the flight, an evening launch. http://imgur.com/a/10m6X#0 I'm looking forward to more landings, maybe Minmus next. Then I need to master the art of docking.
  5. Greetings, I have successfully crashed and exploded a number of Mun landers on the surface of the Mun due to my lander bouncing off of the surface of the Mun as I descend. I've gone through a number of tutorials and have my descent velocity down to 3 m/s yet I still bounce when the lander legs touch down. At that point I usually have some horizontal drift so the craft lists to one side and if I'm not quick enough, or I panic, the lander ends in its destruction. Any tips out there for getting my Mun lander to "stick" once it touches down? I thought about using RCS to "push" the lander down into place once the legs touch down, not sure if that will work. I'll get a picture of my Mun lander up here one day, it's a combination lander/rescue pod with a Command Pod MkI and a Hitchhiker Storage Container. Strapped to that are four LV-N engines to power the craft to the Mun with enough fuel (I hope) to get back. Any help/thoughts/ideas would be greatly appreciated. I'm pretty sure the low gravity of the Mun is what I'm struggling with, just not sure how to counter that. Jebediah had a blast during the last crash, literally.
  6. Greetings, Not sure if this has been asked before (and it may be a noob question): How do you transfer a Kerbal from the Lander-can to the Hitchhiker Storage Container without doing an EVA? My space-station has a Lander-can directly connected (on top of) a Hitchhiker Storage Container yet when I'm in IVA "mode" all I can do is look around the Lander Can and not move to another area despite the fact that everything is either on top of one another or connected with Hull Mounted Clamp-o-trons and Robomax Humbax Multi-Point Connectors... Is this simply not possible right now? Are these Hull Mounted Clamp-o-trons/Multi-Point Connectors not actually hollow to allow your Kerbals to move through them but are only for docking parts/ships? I love EVA's as much as everyone just was wondering about IVA. Thanks!
  7. Greetings fellow KSPer's, Just popping in to say HI! What a ton of fun this game is. After many, many, MANY spectacular explosions and near death experiences for my poor Kerbals, I have successfully put a satellite and the first part of my space station in orbit. Next will be either a Mun orbit attempt for another satellite or a docking maneuver to expand my space station, both of which I have yet to succeed at. Nonetheless I will persevere and continue to throw Kerbals into the far reaches of space or hurtling to the ground until I succeed!
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