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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I concur. Kerbals should be jugged not by their join dates, but by the quality of their booster engines and strut placement.
  2. Great resourcefulness. Time to send Jeb out to fix it, then comes the inevitable failed rescue missions and accidental Duna colony.
  3. Nice to see the forums again. But in true KSP fashion, someone deorbited mission control and we will just have to start over with a clean slate.
  4. I made one a while back but didn't really use it, so it has not effected me as much as other people.
  5. This would take lots of winglets for takeoff and sepratrons for landing, should be fun to see all the ingenious designs.
  6. I think it will be less of a tech tree like Civilization, and more of a tech tree like X-Com. One where you need materials and money in order to start the research. Though a sandbox game like this will be interesting to see what they come up with.
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