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Everything posted by rryy

  1. I only really have mods like Kerbal Alarm Clock, Subassembly loader, Kerbal Engineer, and Quantum Fuel Transfer. The only mod that adds more parts is Kethane and one of the Bobcat rovers.
  2. Probably from the video. I heard it, too.
  3. Minmus can be landed on with ion engines, too, and probably Pol and maybe Bop, too.
  4. When you are orbiting Kerbin, you can just set the Mun as target to help getting into an equatorial orbit. If your are in orbit around another body, say Minmus, you can open up the debug menu (Alt+F12) and look at the line in the top right that says "Lat." If it is decreasing, point normal (if it is increasing, point antinormal) until the number is nearly at 0. When it is nearly zero, increase the throttle and immediately cut it. Keep repeating this until your latitude stops straying too far from zero.
  5. If you don't want to use mods, open the debug menu (Alt-F12) and click on "Show Flight Debug Stats." In the top right corner, you should see your coordinates. When you are a few degrees before you pass over it, begin burning retrograde so that you are falling straight down over your target. If you don't care about efficiency, do this at a high altitude so that you can correct your trajectory so you land near the target.
  6. There's Hyperedit, which allows you to move the already existing planets, but I don't think there is any mod that allows you to create planets.
  7. So what if a planet was spinning at escape velocity? What would happen?
  8. I am your standard Chrome user.
  9. Jeb is just screaming on how slow the acceleration is. He needs his MOAR boosters.
  10. I landed a rover on the north pole of the Mun. It is extremely difficult to actually get the rover wheels to grip the ground and not slip and slide because of the steep slopes and the low gravity. Then, I tried climbing the little pyramid. The rover slowly inched it's way up... ... And then it began sliding back down. Oh how you taunt me.
  11. I think you can edit the already existing parts in the demo.
  12. It looks like you're using aerospikes, which for some reason like to make your rocket flip over. Try replacing the aerospikes with the LV-T30s.
  13. No, I don't do anything while the game is loading because alt-tab during the loading messes the text up for me, and Steam's web browser is slow for me.
  14. Try hovering your mouse over the vessel. The part might try to connect to the plane and not be stuck to the floor.
  15. Hmm, a different version of Katyusha. Should have used the , or maybe a Soviet song.
  16. There are no actual flaps, but you can stick some radial intakes on the side of the spaceplane. They have a lot of drag when opened, and you can close them when they are not needed.
  17. 5 articles! 1. Saturn 2. Sickle 3. Agricultural 4. Fruit 5. Cucumber
  18. Press F4 to toggle the target and the name.
  19. You have to be under about 2.2 kilometers from the landed craft just to see the flying one, at best. At that low of an altitude, you would just be seeing the Mach effects, and because of Eve's thick atmosphere, it would be hard to get up to that speed anyway.
  20. No, you cannot make action groups in flight. You have to just right click everything and do it from there.
  21. If it is spinning uncontrollably, there may be some part clipping creating phantom forces. There could be a fuel imbalance, too. Check the fuel tanks to see if they have the same amount. If there are any looping in the fuel flow, then there could be asymmetric fuel flow.
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