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Everything posted by RockStar

  1. DRM is an challenge to beat it. But seriously people will pay for good games. A % may be lost to pirating, like shoplifting, or waste, screwing with the consumer, the customer, is bad for business. But in the mass economy some business take it as part of the cost of business to try to tighten the bottom line. Another spreadsheet another game. Cynical. But if you can figure out how to launch rockets in KSP you surely can figure out how to come up with the $25. Get real. What burns me, is paying for games that are hyped and getting crap. This een after reading review after review. No confidence in the system is another word for black market.
  2. Th premise is that pirating leads to DRM which leads to SimCity, what should have been the arguably the best game of this century now wont get a second look by many many gamers after its debacal launch. But even so pirating is a choice as much as a vice, it may get you the game, and may get you a virus. It happens to anyone pirating sooner or later, with some exceptions. Its a nuisance at least a costly mistake at most. So pirate if you must but beware the consequence sooner or later it will bite. And this is really a game that should make you stop and think before pirating, Squad ain't EA games, its in the name. As best as I can see they are ethical in there attempt to make a game people want to play and pay for and a company that has a vision for the game. Perhaps just like Maxis once had. Sell out to EA though and its open season. Find a way to play this game without pirating and you will enjoy much more without looking over your shoulder, so at speak, waiting for a virus to tap you on the back.
  3. I think that ksp are going to add some sorting or additional catagories in the VAB in a future release. Thier have been posts that suggest renaming part files just depends how far your ocd is willing to go. for example RCS these are both RCS but because the naming convention isnt standadized they appear in the "Control" in order of Alpha character by "name" yawmaster is prefixed with NP_ in the part name and so appears before RCSblock. // --- general parameters --- name = NP_YMRCSBlockHeavy module = Part author = Sunday Punch || Straight Chillen // --- general parameters --- name = RCSBlock module = Part author = NovaSilisko And so to have the RCSblock appear before Yawmaster you could edit the part name of the "NP_YMRCSBlockHeavy" to read "YMRCSBlockHeavy" and it would now be listed after the part "RCSblock".
  4. my sat works at 50x. If yours isnt working or leaving blank spots could it be not enough juice on the dark side of Kerbin.
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