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Sir Nahme

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Everything posted by Sir Nahme

  1. A bit dated but it always makes me chuckle. seeding the Mun with rovers was never so much fun.
  2. Admitting you have a problem is the first step Honestly I haven't tried my hand at one yet, dislike the lack of info on where they are before you select the contract also not sure how it will interact with TAC... getting there only for them to die would be horrible XD
  3. Just remember when you encounter one in the wild, back away slowly and don't show that fear. In general they are more afraid of you than you are of them. Seriously though it's all about angle of attack. and taking advantage of caplocks for more minute maneuvering for better control.
  4. 0/10 I don't know you, but its been a while since I've been back here
  5. Independently delivered under their own power to the Mun this launcher was a few versions back. Seeded 8 rovers across a number of different bodies. The launcher in the image was scaled for the Mun and Minmus.
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