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  1. Thank you for your comment! Yes you are right, at this stage it is supposed to be just a couple of cylinders with fuel content:(. Thanks for your ideas about special features! We are still working on making our tanks unique. Just remember this is an open beta!
  2. Speedy Day productions have spent years devolving these fuel tanks for your use! So you had better like them! (just Kidding) We are a hopefully talented mod group consisting of only 2 KSP Players, Speedy Blue 98 (the one that does all the meshes and modelling etc) and DAL1189 the one who does most of the back end work(checking the configs etc) and beta tests these pieces of fine machinery. We are relatively new to the moding scene and are hoping to make an impact with our first open beta release of fuel tanks. More things are in the works so keep an eye on this post! The Open beta pack includes: 1 Fueltank for the MK1-2 pod and one for the MK-1 Pod. Thanks for checking out our pack. The link to the space port is down below, If that does not work then we will upload it to drop box as an alternative download method. Have a nice day, Speedy Day Productions. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/speedydayproductionftp/ Monopropellant Mk1 Fuel Tank Mk2 Fuel Tank
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