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Everything posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Little things about spaceflight you never think of: The Dragon capsule has standard navigation lights.
  2. Day 132... We've done it! We've put an artificial satellite into orbit! It worked a little too, well actually... ...eventually. This is what the engineer's came up with given GENE's limited part allowance. We had cobbled together enough roots after the last launch to improve the launch pad, now the assembly building is becoming the bottleneck. For some reason, we're limited to a mere 30 parts. That seems a bit arbitrary, but then again I'm not a quasi-sentient analog thinking machine. So, we had to cut some corners. Or, more specifically, nosecones. GENE is making noise again.
  3. Maybe it's not a wall to keep something out... maybe it's a wall to keep something... in *cue eerie music* note to self: need to visit North Pole of Rald... even I can ever get their little green butts off Gael...
  4. ....and promptly after this @KSK's head exploded. Like I said, Tolkien-level linguistication right here. Tho for my two pennies, you may want to be careful with anything that sounds like Andoran, a certain curly-haired Aes Sedai queen might start meddling. And yes, Dorenol™, the coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, how-the-flarp-did-I-get-on-my-bathroom-floor? medicine.® From the makers of Kolusol™ So yeah, my vote's for -ad. Because double a's.
  5. Eclipses are most definitely working. This. Was. Some. Creepy. Scat. Right. Here! Also, on the bug report side, I'm getting this glitch with the level 2 runway at 6.4 scale... Those breaks in the model do exactly what you think they do when you try to go over them. Makes the runway about useless.
  6. I'm running both myself, I think, and haven't run into any problems yet. Tho its worth mentioning I did get a part test contract that wanted me suborbital between 100 and 110 kilometers... which is impossible with the atmo at 112 in 6.4 scale.
  7. The more Old Kerba I read the more I want to hear it spoken softly and dramatically by Hugo Weaving in a silly wig. Also, if anyone's looking for a good linguistic mind flarp, check out the flick The Arrival, it's got some really fascinating concepts in a fridge-logicy way. KSK, now we need an alphabet writing system.
  8. So... 'long as I'm here doing research for something else... MOAR plz?
  9. Well, I did actually find it lying by the side of the road too, and it's desperately in need of MOAR struts. And boosters.
  10. Not today but yesterday, I started the day by witnessing the future now, did some Kerbal stuff, added an update to my latest mission report series, then brought it all full circle by buying a truck that predates the Moon landing: (1968 GMC 3/4 ton) I feel like a time traveler.
  11. Day 127... Onward and upward! That's inspiring, right? They told me I should say inspiring things. Back before... whatever happened, happened. More of the details keep slipping away. It must have taken weeks to build all this, weeks of going back and forth between... but, it feels like it all happened at once. One big... something, that probably left a big hole in the ground. Well, we built another rocket for GENE. It didn't explode. Or come roaring back at us. That's inspiring, right? With Rocket3, we have finally passed the atmosphere! The engineers have pegged it at almost exactly 112 kilometers. Oh, well, at least this one didn't sink. Now GENE wants us to put something into orbit next...
  12. Ok that literally looks like a scene from a sci-fi movie.
  13. Yeesh those first few seconds after disappearing into the clouds were nerve wracking! But dat landing doe, like buttah! SpaceX making it look easy! and now.... I'ma go the flarp back to sleep.
  14. Yeah, that is most indefatigably the epitome of an "oops." Any more of an oops typically requires changing one's shorts. More re on topic: still no official word AFAK. Before I go getting another alarm for zero-dark-thirty on a weekend, anyone think this thing is actually going up tomorrow?
  15. That wasn't a launch abort, that was an "oops."
  16. As long as it's privately funded, and if sounds like it is, they can put whatever they want up there as far as I'm concerned. That, in itself, would still be an achievement toward lunar mastery. This was on one of the Soviet moon landers impactors. That sphere burst just before impact, spreading those chits all over the surface. In theory.
  17. Yeah, but next time couldn't they schedule a delay that doesn't require getting up at 6:45 am on a flarping Saturday?? *irritated coffee-deprived grumbling*
  18. Blast! now I've gotta get up even earlier tomorrow.
  19. *yawn* I'm up, I'm up. Let's have a nice, unremarkable, perfectly predictable launch, guys!
  20. Why no, that doesn't sound ominous at all. Less than ten hours to go and he's still at it personally. I wonder if/how he ever sleeps before a launch.
  21. I understood some of those words. Great Ceasar's Ghost, CERES IS A GIANT INTERPLANETARY SPACE DINOSAUR!!!!! Run! Panic! Chaos! Quick, nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure!!!!!
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