Balance is composed of three aspects 1: Visual, we basically triangulate with our binocular vision and to a degree with the focal lenghth of our eye this positions our head (sight) 2: Skeletal, pressure sensors throughout our body feed back information fixing our posture and if any parts of our body touch the world we use our awareness of posture to caculate our position. Also the same sensors detect gravity to a certain extent, we hang from our skeleton thus exerting pressure in different places depending on which way up we are (this is all a sense of touch) 3: Inner ear cannals,(this is probably what your thinking of) we have some curved tubes in our ears which contain some liquid, this is pulled down and levelled by gravity. Hairs in these tubes feel where the liquid is and how ot moves hense we detect our orientation. (touch again) Balance is our ability to take the input from these three sensor arrays and control our body so we dont fall. So Balance is nothing but clever use of touch and sight and a bit of flash computing not a special sense on its own. Hope this answers the question. By the way, get conflicting data form any of these and we get motion sickness. Guess what happens in space. Do Kirbles have ears? maybe they have a special balance gismo. G PS this forum needs a spell checker. I'm dyslexic so sorry if this is garbage.