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    SPH Janitorial Intern
  1. @Scout1218 i just thought it would be better because I move around a lot and don't have much of a desk. I was thinking around the lower end, like $600-$750ish, but I guess it's a moot point because my computer is holding up okay and I'm gonna be in psych ward for a bit and can't have one anyways. Thanks though.
  2. So the other day what I believe to be the beginning of the end started for my computer. I'm unsurprised, it's old and has a lot of problems. However, it's the only one I have, and I have, and I don't have any disposable income to speak of. So the plan is to ask my parents to help fund it, but obviously the less I have to ask of them the better. So I'm looking for a relatively inexpensive laptop (I move around a lot) with a dedicated graphics card (need it to work on a personal project in unreal) that's fairly reliable (I won't be able to afford another one for some time) I'm not concerned about having a lot of power. I just do code, I don't know much about current hardware, which is why I don't have particular specs in mind. So I just was hoping that if anyone had some suggestions, or knew where on the internet I could weigh my options, it'd be greatly appreciated.
  3. So I, like every other excited kerbonaut who saw the announcement, downloaded the update as soon as I could, and went to play around with it this evening. Much to my dismay it decided to crash my computer. So I started it up again, and ran it again, and although my computer didn't die, the game did. I got this crash log: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B5l4-NqSRpJoamw5UW80bEh3elk&usp=sharing I tried a few other things, like switching in and out of 32bit mode from the launcher, fullscreen and windowed, that sort of thing. Got a bunch of other logs, they look the same to me. Let me know if you want them. Thanks for making such a great game, even though it isn't really cooperating right now Hope you can help, I'm really excited for the new parts. EDIT: I deleted and re-unzipped the compressed file, seems to be working okay. Think it was just a random failure of the unzippy software.
  4. ADORABLE!!!!!!!! 1.0.5 crashing on startup for me... maybe i can tweak settings or if not, hopefully there's a fix coming, and not too many people are affected. Everyone else have fun though!
  5. Well that's not very friendly. The spacecraft exchange is for finding new things, try to be a bit more positive about stuff people have worked hard on and want to share. Besides, it didn't say it was an x-wing. It said it was a cloakshape fighter, from the x-wing series of games. If you REALLY don't want to see anything else, read more carefully. And it's a really good replica! Lots of the little rectangular chunky bits that are so important for spaceships to do... something. It's nice to see people occasionally making the more obscure ships and things. Maybe try to ssto it next pheeph. That would be cool.
  6. So I never really messed with spaceplanes much, the souposphere drove me crazy. Of course, 1.0 has made things so much better, and I'm ready to get my feet wet. I've been having some problems keeping payloads in the bay, and I've seen a lot of designs that look like people somehow docked both ends of the payload? How does that work? If it doesn't, what are they doing?
  7. I love the look of this thing. can't download now, but it's absolutely beautiful.
  8. Yeah, I don't have to use it much though, (I do Java and FORTH, of all things). Any idea what it means in this context? I'm kind of curious.
  9. I got it to work. Kerbals in ROSTER have two values, "Tod" and "idx". I don't know what they do but most live, happy kerbals seem to have both set to zero. I did that, and had my friend back from limbo.
  10. So Callan Kerman was exploring the Mun, and he took a bit of a tumble. So there he was, sliding down a hill, I'm waiting for him to stop, and when he finally does... The game breaks. It wasn't really, a crash, but the screen went black, all flight related guis went blank, but I could still use the menu. However, I couldn't fix it, so I restarted ksp. So now my lander's empty, Callan is gone, I have no way to get the science back, and I'm pretty annoyed since this mission was needlessly complex and I did a lot of things I don't want to redo. In the ROSTER section of the persistent, Callan is labeled as "Missing". I figured to fix it, I'd set him to "Assigned" and change my lander's command pod's code to have "crew = Callan Kerman" I gleaned the idea from looking at other vessels in the file. However, when I go to the tracking center, I can't fly or terminate the lander, I and once I've clocked on it, I can't do anything to the other vessels either. It seems the game is unhappy with that added line. Does anybody know something else I have to do? EDIT: changed the Part's command module's line to say "controlSrcStatusText = Operational". Didn't fix it.
  11. I'm having a problem with your decouplers, namely, I have no idea how to decouple them. They don't have an action group, they don't appear to have a right click menu, at least not one that I can access. Am I just being a blundering idiot, or is something wrong?
  12. So I've noticed that there are built in science bonuses for things like "recovered vessel from [such and such] orbit, or "recovered vessel from the surface of [so and so]" I've kind of been roleplaying in career mode, and after a successful manned mission to Eve using expendable, preexisting tech, as well as a surface mission to Duna using ISRU, the citizens of Kerbin are finally ready to fund the very first fully reusable interplanetary vessel, the Argo Interplanetary Vehicle. Unfortunately, the High Council of Bigwigs is putting a lot of their snack budget into this, and to impress them, I need to get every lick of science from the Argo's maiden voyage. So back to reality. I want to fully understand the requirements for the recovery science. Here's what I'm wondering: After the mission, can I dock a vehicle to unload the crew and land them and still get the "recovered vessel from X's orbit" points? And if A lander goes to the surface, comes back, and then attaches to the main craft, and is not what get's recovered, do I get the surface points? Hope the question is clear with all that useless text, and thanks in advance.
  13. The KR2L has a bottom node, it's the single bell giant grey one. But Ok, I guess I'll give it a go.
  14. So I've been meaning to use the new 3.75m parts to recreate the different blocks of the SLS, but when I got to block II, I ran into some issues, namely, the Earth departure stage. My assumption is that the KR2L engine is meant to be an anologue to the 2 J-2X engines on the SLS, because it's part of the NASA pack and nothing in the SLS is similar. So is that the case, that I can use the KR2L as my pair of J-2X's, or will I need to slam together a couple LV-T45's or something?
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