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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Eh, it's Bob, who cares? S'not like anything of value was lost. Now if that was Jeb that you lost, I'd be worried.
  2. Dear lord, it's like a EVE Titan made out of SRBs.
  3. Only place other than the Mun I can go to is Minmus. Oh, and landing on Minmus? With spring legs? Pfft, oh god please no.
  4. Ha ha! Success, only a wing and the engine missing! Dang spring legs.
  5. Alright so I did decide to carry on, so here we go. To the Mun!!! Well crap. Serves me right for not looking at the Map Screen. F9 F9 F9 F9 F9 Better, though I did overshoot some, so I had to burn retro for a few seconds to correct. Orbit! It's so pretty, even Bill is happy. Doing my final slowdown burn. Frustratingly, I picked an area on the fringe of the light/dark sides, making it very difficult to land, especially without the IVA radar-altitude meter, and the area I picked was 1500m above sea level, so I really could have used it. Anyways, even more frustratingly, when I actually made it to the Mun's surface, the landing legs acted like springs, glitching around and flinging me back into the air, even when I was landing at speeds as low as 0.5 m/s. This led to a number of borked landings, the most notable of which follow: The first time I experienced the spring-legs. I had to abort and re-attempt the landing two or so tries, and the last time, it just tipped over. This was like the third time (When I approached at like 0.5 m/s). I was annoyed, so when it started bouncing I shut off the engine to see if it would just land. Unfortunately, after a few bounces, the lower half of my rocket blew up, and I had to do some mechanically assisted braking, resulting in the loss of my RCS tank, but they survived. I'm kinda annoyed right now, so I'm just gonna leave it here for now. If it counts, I should have the original 15, plus 15 extra for the Munar orbit, and also another 45 for my Munar landing(s). Also, if you want to count my accidental SOI escape, you can add on an extra 30 points. So that's a total of 30 (just orbits), 75 (orbits and landing), or 105 (orbits, landing, and accidental SOI escape). I'll let you choose which total you want to acknowledge, though I hope you go with the 105. All told, not too shabby for a rocket I made in 15 minutes and had practically no expectations of success. As an added extra, here's the Jool rocket in 0.20: Also, you can view the imgur album here
  6. Make a rocket that has the same (or similar) parts to a .15 rocket? Challenge accepted! To begin our journey, we decided to go back. Back in TIME! To Kerbal Space Program v0.15, of course, because I just happen to have a copy lying around for reasons I have forgotten. Ahh, look at all those olds parts. Sweet, sweet nostalgia (though I don't miss my inexperience from those days). Armed with my new knowledge, I set off to construct a rocket that could make orbit, and hopefully make Munar orbit (and, if I was really lucky, actually land on the thing). Soon, after some tinkering around and resisting an urge to try and hug the old Mk1 pod, the SA-15A Jool was created, as part of the newly created "Laythe Program". Just look at those old parts. So, now that we had a rocket, we had places to go! Alright, lookin' good! I wish my regular rockets flew this straight. So, twice I had my second stage blow up my center stage and third stage, so I made some modifications, but then realized I hadn't gotten any screenshots of explodey goodness to share with y'all. So I went on another run with the original rocket... and it worked perfectly. Not gonna complain, but dangit, that was annoying. Thank ALL that is holy, that darn saboteur of a stage is gone. Because gravity... Doin' real good, though Bob and Bill are uncertain. We have orbit! Wewt! Here's my final apoapsis before any Mun-transfer attempts. Also, final periapsis at the same time. We'll see if I get any further, but this is what I have so far. I'm not sure if this counts because I was using 0.15, but if it does count, so far I have netted a grand total of 15 points. If it doesn't, I'll recreate the rocket in 0.20, and just leave this for extra nostalgia.
  7. Wonderful! Time to roll around the Kerbal Space Center in a monstrosity that looks more like it belongs off the coast of Normandy during World War II than anything else. (Warning, the image linked may act as a spoiler, you have been warned.)
  8. Once the challenge is over, I'd love to get a .craft link to this thing. I'm curious as to all the crazy things I could do with it, least of all just rolling it around the KSC.
  9. I'm not finished yet, but here's what I've got so far: I was going more for as close a recreation of what I'm seeing in the picture and less for functionality. I'll put it in orbit here soon. Any idea of other views of the satellite? It'd allow me to make a more accurate recreation. Update: Success! Ignore the clingy decouplers, I accidentally put them on backwards. I'll probably fix it and relaunch later, but for now, this is what I've got.
  10. "Target" puts a marker on your nav ball and puts an indicator on the screen with the distance between you and it. This is also useful for the new maneuver nodes, which are basically guidelines you can set up to plot out burn courses. AFAIK, the environmental effects like re-entry effects are only cosmetic. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I noticed no difference between my .18 and my .19 rockets performance during re-entry. Also, docking ports, rover wheels, metal plates, girders and I beams, solar panels and lights, and a bunch of other fancy new things. It's pretty much old Kerbal with a tool that tells you when to burn and in what direction (but it won't do it FOR you), a bunch of new parts, docking, improved graphics, and polish.
  11. Oh, I have just the thing for this thread. So I was working on a cruiser, and I, being overly cautious, decided to test the aerodynamic stability of the ship's bridge. I slapped it on a rover body, clicked launch... and then realized that my wheels were facing the sheer edge of the launch pad, as opposed to the ramp. I thought "Oh this thing's big enough it can handle that drop." Nope. Also, for kicks, here's a picture of me testing the joint strength of the completed bow and midships sections of the aforementioned cruiser. Holy crap, that joint can take a lot. Then the launch attempts. Oh god the launch attempts. I still haven't gotten this thing into orbit. To finish off, here's a scene from one of my many launch attempts, where two of my lifter rockets separated from the main lifter assembly. There's nothing more scary than two runaway rockets that are made up of three orange Rocomax fuel tanks, one of the double-can Rocomax fuel tanks, and a mainsail.
  12. It'd be grayed out in that case, and he didn't specifically say that it was grayed out. OP: Are the buttons grayed out and unclickable, or are you clicking them, and they're registering that you clicked them, and just nothing happens?
  13. This leaves me wondering as to how much of a pain it is to go through all those messages and approve them. How many people do you have approving this stuff? It sounds like a full time job.
  14. Very nice. Is there any way we could get a .craft file? If we can, could you possibly remove the non-stock chatterbox, possibly having a stock and non-stock version for people? T'would be much appreciated. I'd like to see what kind of stresses I could subject this thing to.
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