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Everything posted by dennislinux

  1. BTW, it is really jeb on board so the stats may go a little over the normal top. It is usually known that he will strap SRBs on this but Bill managed to stop him.
  2. HELLO, cupcake, i see you are churning out some really high quality dropships again! good job.
  3. Hello, all. DennisLinux here. Today, i present you the craft that i have been working hard on lately- the gleaming glorious Waraxe Light Scout Craft! So, i did not have the specs for you guys, but they will be on very soon. If anyone had tried it and had criticism over it, post it below. I accept any comments and encourage constructive comments. Please enjoy this hot rod and fly safe! Download Link: http://www./download/gd8d0ny9esko3ob/Waraxe_Light_Scout_Craft.craft Dennislinux
  4. Um, why do you have to be so epic and OP?
  5. Cool. may attempt to add vtol engines into the exoskeleton for landing .
  6. Hey dude, you are seriously a generous guy. I appreciate your effort. Keep Up!
  7. Can i have the download link to the outpost? great thanks if approved
  8. dammit, but the ejection seats don't come with a parachute!
  9. HEy, thats our powered propeller rover. download link at http://www./download/kwxx45jz8q067t4/Propeller_Testbed_v1.craft
  10. YOU, sir are awesome,mate. deserves moar fame, glory than you have now.
  11. YOU, sir are a complete GENIUS Now, everybody, i must adress a problem. as great giggleplex gave us the propeller drive, we must utilize it well. please, everyone try to make crafts that are propeller powered. rovers, hovercraft,boats and gliders. all are welcome, as long as they are original and stock
  12. got some advice: GIMME DOWNLOAD LINK GIMME and yes, the advice is :do work on the 2 engine one. chassis upload is tomorrow, perhapsp.s. did you use liquid fuel engines or solid fuel engines? i prefer liquid fuel, though solid fuel will still be possible.
  13. YEAH! jeb is gonna be so happy about the quick advances we make
  14. Good progress, we are getting onto something! giggleplex, im gonna upload my chassis very soon. please do try to use that,
  15. Thanks giggleplex my savior it is just reverting one of ye great heli engines onto a horizontal state!
  16. no, i saw some videos on youtube, that demonstrated that they can with stock parts! just search up "ksp stock prop plane" on youtube.
  17. i don't know how to, so i use this thread for help.
  18. Thanks, spacecowboy, but what i needed, is a plane that uses a motor that spins for power, not a plane that spins. the propellor motor should be as small as possible, too.
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