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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hmmm my ship pics reply isn't going through...
  2. I saw it on steam and wasn't sure about it then I saw there was a demo and downloaded that, I quickly upgraded after seeing how awesome it was and am now an addict!
  3. I lost my Jeb Bill is still alive though! that's... something.
  4. I made a stable spaceplane using stock parts I call it the Falcon MK I it needs some more tinkering to work better for interplanetary travel Entering orbit 2 Docked at the mun refueling station Equipped with an interplanetary atom engine attachment connected via docking port On a collision course with laythe at 4600 m/s >< had just enough fuel with all engines running to stop it from hitting the moon at 100 meters above the ocean I then flew to one of the large land masses with a giant lake in the middle to land, she felt kinda floaty and much less stable with most of the fuel tanks on empty. Bill safely on laythe
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