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  1. You have it correct there. The only way to get mj out of solar panels at the moment is to send it via a microwave transmitter.
  2. They have attachment rules of 1 1 1 1 0. Which is stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision according to the wiki page. So they can be radially attached by default. They don't work attached to a reactor like that but you could radially attach them to another part and attach a reactor to the generator by a node and it would work fine. Also yes the editor extension mod is undeniably magical.
  3. Darn it...now I'm curious! Ok...just tested and I was surprised to find out that generators can be radially attached right out of the box. They do not, however, detect the reactor they are attached to Maybe we'll get functional radially attached generators some time in the future (or not...it's up to Fractal).
  4. I don't know off the top of my head if radially attached generators are detected by the code. It would be interesting to know whether it would be more weight efficient to use more, small generators. I seem to recall a discussion about the efficiency of the different sized generators. If I remember correctly the larger generators produce more mj for a given amount of thermal power though I may be wrong. It would be interesting to see the trade off between power and weight efficiency.
  5. Ended up having a little time so I just tested and I can confirm that you can have 2 generators connected to the same reactor. They both ran at max power until the thermal power ran out then they dropped to about half and continued to run there. I do agree that that is a pretty useless design though I don't know what the power scaling would be like with an antimatter generator. Maybe getting that 2x power generation would be useful in some emergency situation. A generator and a thermal engine works as well, both running at full power until they drained the thermal power at which point the engine got priority. I also realized that you can't attach 2 engines to one generator since the generator can't be radially mounted...one of it's nodes would have to be attached to a probe core/rest of the ship to use the engines.
  6. This is based on my experiences, though it may have changed since I did this. With 2 generators on one reactor I got 2 times the mj/s untill they used up the heat then it dropped back to the max output of the reactor. I don't remember which had priority but I have also done, for example, a reactor with a generator on one side and a thermal jet on the other. I will test again later today to see if I can still do this stuff.
  7. I did think of that but if the engine is off center can it really be considered a forward or reverse engine? Eh, semantics. The important thing is that would be a lot of fun!
  8. You can attatch multiple generators to a reactor as far as I know. The only caveat is that they will burn through the heat of the reator twice as fast meaning the reactor will not be able to keep up. You can also have an engine on one end and a genorator on the other though you may have to disable the genorator for the engine to be usefull. I don't know how 2 engines would react but I would assume that as long as you only have one fireing at a time it would be fine (don't know why you would want to fire your foward and reverse engines at the same time anyway but whatever).
  9. As usual, beautiful work! What program do you use for texture painting? Do you do it in your 3d suite of choice or photoshop? Hope you feel better soon!
  10. So with the mission tuning for example it goes through your save file and only loads parts that are being used by the vessels currently in flight? Cool! Also how are you disabling parts? I've been considering writing up a mod manager (since they all seem to be windows only) but I haven't thought of how to disable mods without physicaly moving the folders. Never thought of that...good point!
  11. And I'm finaly caught up, man this thread moves fast when you don't check it every 5 minutes Anyway I was wondering if, once waste heat becomes dangerous, you would consider adding some way to jettison the uranium from a nuclear reactor, perhaps with some negative effect on nearby vessels? Since the nuclear reactors can only be throttled to 30%, if the radiators are damaged that could lead to some problems. Then again I've not had any problems with radiators being damaged but I like having options should the situation arise. I understand if you don't want to, this mod is already super complicated for new users (in the best of ways, of course), I just thought I would throw the idea out there.
  12. Even without solar tracking (which I agree would look odd with the way they fold out) they would be great for stationary structures like bases and the like. You could set the object as target and use the vector on the nav ball. It wouldn't be automatic and it wouldn't work for the sun but it works till someone makes a mod.
  13. That would do it! I'll try to keep an eye out for any other linux bugs while I play.
  14. Yep thats the latest version...I think it has a fairing on it for some reason (didn't notice that at the time).
  15. First off, this is without a doubt the best mod ever. So good that it managed to pull me out of my lurking for the first time since the forum purge However, I've got a few problem with the engines. The first one seems to be purely graphical and therefore isn't as urgent. Every engine from the mod has 2 exaust trails regardless of whether the engine is on or not. As you can see not only is the throttle not up but the engine is also disabled. The next 2 problems are related and only start after I pass 6km. First, if there is an engine (not active) from the mod anywhere on my craft, as soon as I pass 6km the camera drops a few hundred meters. It's as though it thinks my center of mass is way lower than it is. Second, if I activate a mod engine the craft starts spinning out of control. But again, this only starts once I hit 6km. The only thing I can think of is that I'm running on Linux but I have no idea why that would affect it like this. Anyway, just wanted to bring it to your attention, great work on a fantastic mod!
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