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Posts posted by XbasmanX

  1. We need a more precise description of what your doing before we can tell you what is wrong with it? Are you using any mods like FAR or real solar system?

    With a stock setup, I had no problems launching into orbit with plenty of fuel left over in the orange tank.

    No I am not using FAR or Real, I just load the craft and launch.

    P.S. thank You for the quick reply.

  2. The storage tanks are not set up with any contents by default. You have to open the action group menu and select the part as taniwha said in order to bring up the menu which allows you to add the resources you want to that particular container.

    Depending on the resource you select, the tank may automatically fill or be empty. The TAC Life suport consumable resources such as oxygen and water should auto-fill, while waste resources should be empty. Additionally, the EL resources will all start out empty with the exception of RocketParts.

    Ok I have tried that and the menu does not appear.

    just like the pic below


    i left click and nothing opens

  3. Some good news: I have found and fixed the problem causing the full tanks that were supposed to be empty. The fix will be in the next update, which will hopefully be soon as I am hot on the trail of the borked-tanks bug :).

    [edit]stupid censorship killing a valid description of the tanks.

    Are the storage tanks supposed to be empty and tweakable so you can designate what fuels go in them?

  4. Your setup looks like this picture, and that tank below your converter is NOT filling up? Something is wrong because that would fill up for me.


    One thing I do is test all of my designs on Kerbin first, in sandbox mode. What you do is copy the ship file from your career folder to your sandbox folder, then in the VAB add a Mk1 command pod somewhere and swap out one of the drills for a Unreconstitutionator. Also remove all the lifter and all that stuff so all you have is the kethane Refinery. In 0.23 you can even extend the landing legs first :)

    "Launch" it and then on the launchpad get your Kerbal out and grind him up in the Unreconstitutionator (this is the main reason to do it in Sandbox. It's not "real" here :) ) to make some kethane. Then turn on the converter and see if it works.

    The fuel lines are supposed to go from the fuel tank to the converter, not the Kethane tanks to the converter. The kethane will crossfeed to the converter automatically. But it won't from the converter to the regular tank, hence the fuel line.

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