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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Very nice mod, liking it a lot. However I am getting some irrational behavior depending the orientation of the ship. If the tracks are somehow misaligned in the construction they will not work at all no matter changing the control point of the ship. Here's a screen demonstrating the problem: The tracks are misaligned to the original cockpit and will obviously not work. However if i change control to the probe core they still remain nonworking. I tried fiddling with mode and cruise control but with no avail. I know this is avoidable with proper construction but it can lead to nasty surprises. I designed and build a tracked rover testing it on Kerbin before sending it to Mun. Attaching it on top the rocket caused the bug to happen and it didn't work on Mun anymore like it did on Kerbin.
  2. Make sure you have mapped the rover control keys off from WASD as it also applies rotational torque. You could also try disabling motors and locking the steering from rear/front wheels. 4 wheels driving is a bit overkill for most places but can come handy in extreme slopes. One thing I've also done is apply some downward thrust by adding an ion engine on the roof. It really helps especially on low gravity world like Minmus and also makes high speed rides on Mun a bit more safe.
  3. Ok, thanks. Do you know if it's possible to map more "complex" keys to the .cfg file? Simple letters and numbers seem to work fine but I can't get for example "¨","´" or page down/up working. Problem is nearly all letters are already mapped somewhere and numbers tend to collide with other vessels actions. Mapping with action groups is nice but doesn't do as well in fine tuning, plus you miss the nice sound
  4. As an afterthought would it be possible to be able to map or edit the keyboard shortcuts for winch control? I found them very useful but unfortunately the default ones on numpad collide with my desktop program shortcuts.
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