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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. i got "terrain scatter" maxed out and only get bushes.
  2. Not sure i've seen people with tress in their game but never had them in mine. weird maybe a setting or something i'm missing. ~Gizmo~
  3. Welcome! hope you get all that debris out of there no need for crashing into the fuel tank you left up there .
  4. Welcome and im sorry theres no therapy for this addiction.
  5. Welcome Rabban hope your stay with the community is enjoyable.
  6. Welcome. Many more happy launches in your future.
  7. Welcome! hope you find the game Amazing. and the community Welcoming.
  8. Awsome!!! and this is why i love videogame just to hear her success story and you for for giving her a task. And The awesome reward of buying her the full game if said task was complete. she is one lucky daughter to have a father like you. "hats off" to you my friend
  9. and for blimp thingy http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/23774-0-19-1-HL-Airship-and-Party-Experimentation-Center-New-Rigid-Envelope-Dodec
  10. for propellers http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24551-Firespitter-propeller-plane-and-helicopter-parts-v4-0-%28April-19th%29
  11. @Mods please close this thread. if possible to delete please do.
  12. 1000% agreed i didn't mean to start somthing like this. my apologise everyone. KSP Is still much ALIVE.
  13. And no im not saying anything to point towards sqaud being bad or anything it was a simple question and i got my answer im not trying to beat down sqaud's door so stop saying "calm down""cut them some slack""they have all the slack in the world as they control the development of this awesome game.
  14. Ya i wish they would have just left "DLC/EXPANSION" out of their vocabulary untill the game its self was done.
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