Hey folks, long time no see! In the last few weeks I have finally managed to find the time to finish this enormous release. It would not have been possible without great help from other community members, most notably Taverius, but also Snjo, careo, Kine, Fel, DYJ, r4mon and Mu. Without wasting your time, here is the download link (nevermind the version in the URL, kerbalspaceport is not updating it): http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-19-1-b9-aerospace-pack-release-2/ Here is the forum thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25241 Here is an album with detailed screenshots of some new parts: http://imgur.com/a/wRtEa#0 And here is an inspirational album (some of the crafts there are included with the mod): http://imgur.com/a/WqjQM#0 Now, in detail, here is what's new or changed here. * Total part count now at 175. * Everything converted to be compliant with 0.20+ data system. * Memory usage and disk space usage reduced more than x2.5 thanks to file referencing available in 0.20+. * The mod now occupies only 73mb (!!!), less than R2.5 and less than stock parts. Loading is faster than for all stock parts combined. * Mass, capacity and connection strength values on parts were updated using a better algorithm. * Lift, drag, mass and connection strength values wings updated using a better algorithm. Stuff falls apart quite more hesitantly now. * Vastly updated, improved and expanded selection of example crafts. * Added TFE731 small subsonic high-bypass turbofan engine with surface-attached pylons in straight and raked variants. * Added CF34 large subsonic high-bypass turbofan engine with surface-attached pylons in straight and raked variants. Perfect for heavy lifting, now used on D-175. * Added D-30F7 turbojet engine. Perfect when brute force is required, now used on I8-L. * Added F119 low-bypass turbofan featuring 2D thrust vectoring. Extreme control authority, used on new YF-28 example craft. * Added SABRE Engines in 1.25m and 2.5m sizes, featuring plugin powered, separate twin modes of operation, and complementary structural and intake parts. Perfect engine for SSTO designs, used on several updated & new example crafts. * Added VA1 VTOL jet engine, used on new VX-1 example craft. * Added a matching nosecone part for VS1 VTOL engine and intake part for VA1 VTOL engine. * VTOL Engines are now powered by Firespitter plugin allowing extensive and easy control over engine rotation. * Where suitable (SABRE, ramp), intakes are using animated variable geometry dependent on air speed (powered by KineTechAnimation plugin). * Vastly improved thrust vectoring module that takes into account all engines present on aircraft at once and controls each independently, allowing thrust vectoring to be used to assist in roll maneuvers (!!!) and overall improving stability and efficiency of thrust vectoring engines. Everything also returns to the neutral state upon thrust vectoring switch off, instead of getting stuck in the last position. * MK2 cockpit IVA performance improved. * S2 cockpit RCS ports now functional. * Center of mass on all wings set to attachment node to improve stability. * All animated parts are now using vastly improved generic animation module by Firespitter that allows in-editor toggling of state (e.g. for cargo bay doors), toggling in EVA where applicable (e.g. ladders), action names being displayed in action group editor, ability to reverse animation mid-playback, and much more. * HL fuselage system : * Added 0.5m SAS. * Added 8m cargo hold. * 7 new wing parts: large wingtips, winglets and stabilators. * MK1 fuselage system: * Added structural & LF tank varieties in 2m and 5m (more convenient than stock pieces of quite weird length). * Added normal and raised tail sections. * Added inline ACU. * Added inline SAS. * MK2 fuselage system: * Added MK2 to 2x1.25m bicoupler structural adapter. * Added inline RCS monopropellant tank. * Added inline SAS. * Added normal and raised tail sections. * S2 fuselage system: * Added 2m & 6m Cargo bays. * Added inline SAS. * S2W wide body fuselage system: * Added S2 to 4x1.25m adapter in structural and LFO versions. * Added S2 to 2x2.5m adapter in structural and LFO versions. * Added intake-less S2 to S2W adapter in structural and LFO versions. * S2W Intake Adapter airflow fixed. * S2W Intake Adapter drag fixed. * Added S2 to 3.75m adapter in structural version. * Added enormous S2W cargo bays in 2m and 6m versions. * Rotated Radial ACU/ASAS so they can be told apart in Editor parts list. * Added long-requested shielded docking port. * Added aerodynamically shielded R12 RCS Thruster Block and R1 Linear RCS Port ports. * Added R1A Air Thrust Nozzle that can be used in air-powered atmospheric reaction control system for VTOLs (powered by ResGen plugin). * Added long-requested alternative pitot circular intake. * Added surface-attached diverterless intake. * Added two variable-geometry ramp intakes: both can be surface attached, one features engine mount on the back. * Added intake/engine mount matching aforementioned intakes. * Added airbrake part (tied to brake action group, can be rotated to variate the amount of drag produced, can be toggled or held open temporarily). * Added radial RCS tanks in 2 sizes, matching new RCS blocks in style. * Added triangular structural panels allowing for much more freedom in builds. * Added A1 floodlight coming in as solo piece and in 4x & 8x arrays. * Added configurable info drive part that allows you to write information about your crafts (action group descriptions, optimal ascent profiles, background stories) that can be displayed to anyone during flight. Used on every example craft.