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Everything posted by bac9

  1. If some sort of filtering or expanded directory system will be added to the editor, there won't be any need to do brute sorting with folder names. I don't know when this will be implemented in stock though. Maybe there are already some mods that can help you organize stuff.
  2. Don't move B9 parts anywhere, they should stay in GameData/B9_Aerospace/Parts, otherwise model&texture referencing will be broken. Also, GameData/Parts isn't really a valid way to store anything, folders parented to GameData should be project names which, in turn, include part folders, plugins, props, etc. Your system is guaranteed to break some other mods too.
  3. Nope, these are completely different models. I strongly dislike using rescaleFactor duplicates, everything should be of one intended size.
  4. As was mentioned again and again, you can't use this mod with 0.20.0, only 0.20.2 is supported.
  5. Because the game is not supporting two animations affecting one object at once and cockpit lights were more popular request. Other animation is still included and can be easily reenabled if some solution will appear.
  6. Just checked, nope, there are functional window lights. Unless you have a pretty old version of this mod, that is.
  7. Thanks tomato. I got the same problem, and was wondering what caused it.ExsurgentEngineering.dll should not be removed, it is required for SABREs and new thrust vectoring module.
  8. Thanks, will fix in the next version. LF version isn't planned, there is no need for that amount of fuel with modest fuel consumption atmospheric engines have.
  9. Fixed version is up on spaceport, see the first post. Fixed MK2 monopropellant tank fuel type. Fixed SABRE body parts attachment nodes and naming. Changed folder name to GameData to avoid issues on Linux. Mediafire link to be available shortly.
  10. Okay, about these reports that you have "only 83 part folders and no SABREs" I have double checked all downloads, only the latest version of the mod is available, all parts are in place. That gives us the following: First of all, are you sure you are not counting folders in Gamedata/B9_Aerospace/Parts folder instead of counting actual parts? Many folders contain more than one part thanks to 0.20+ database system to reduce the size of the mod, so you can no longer count the parts by folders. Second, make sure you have 0.20.2 version of the game, and that version alone! Nothing else is compatible, 0.20 will fail to load these, not to mention 0.19. Third, are you sure you are installing it correctly? Everything should go to the root folder of KSP, right over "Gamedata" and "Ships" folders that are already present in it. Do not, under any circumstances, extract just Gamedata/B9_Aerospace/Parts folder alone, the mod won't work this way. Additionally, if your mod manager is old, it will fail to install this mod properly, do not use those. That should not happen if plugins are installed correctly, they are handling the bugs of stock symmetry and should reverse the VTOLs to face in one direction. No, nothing was removed. See above. Do not count the folders, they are not related to total part count anymore. Make sure you are installing everything correctly. 0.19 mod is obsolete and should only ever be used with 0.19. Do not use mod managers, install the mod like described above. Also, yes, 0.20 is NOT supported, it will fail to load configs in new format and will fail to load some of the plugins properly. Nothing was removed, check whether you have installed the mod properly. It's a bug of stock attachment system, same thing happens with StationHub adapter. I hope it will be fixed eventually, but right now, you can only parent parts with nodes on one axis, even though all subsequent attachments work fine with every node. Thanks, will fix it immidiately. Yes, it's a purely structural part that was added in case you would want externally mounted SABREs to have proper length. It would have been weird to add all that length to SABRE model itself, as then you will end up with being unable to attach them to the backs of your crafts nicely. Easy to fix, I guess there is a duplicate name that has gone unnoticed.
  11. If your connection to spaceport is slow, use mediafire mirror provided in the first post. http://www./download/9lpqquqh09b75k5/B9_Aerospace_Pack_R3.zip Meanwhile: Here is an album with screenshots of some new parts: http://imgur.com/a/wRtEa#0 And here is an inspirational album (some of the crafts there are included with the mod): http://imgur.com/a/WqjQM#0 Video of S2W cargo hold, just because.
  12. Hey folks, long time no see! In the last few weeks I have finally managed to find the time to finish this enormous release. It would not have been possible without great help from other community members, most notably Taverius, but also Snjo, careo, Kine, Fel, DYJ, r4mon and Mu. Without wasting your time, here is the download link (nevermind the version in the URL, kerbalspaceport is not updating it): http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-19-1-b9-aerospace-pack-release-2/ Here is the forum thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25241 Here is an album with detailed screenshots of some new parts: http://imgur.com/a/wRtEa#0 And here is an inspirational album (some of the crafts there are included with the mod): http://imgur.com/a/WqjQM#0 Now, in detail, here is what's new or changed here. * Total part count now at 175. * Everything converted to be compliant with 0.20+ data system. * Memory usage and disk space usage reduced more than x2.5 thanks to file referencing available in 0.20+. * The mod now occupies only 73mb (!!!), less than R2.5 and less than stock parts. Loading is faster than for all stock parts combined. * Mass, capacity and connection strength values on parts were updated using a better algorithm. * Lift, drag, mass and connection strength values wings updated using a better algorithm. Stuff falls apart quite more hesitantly now. * Vastly updated, improved and expanded selection of example crafts. * Added TFE731 small subsonic high-bypass turbofan engine with surface-attached pylons in straight and raked variants. * Added CF34 large subsonic high-bypass turbofan engine with surface-attached pylons in straight and raked variants. Perfect for heavy lifting, now used on D-175. * Added D-30F7 turbojet engine. Perfect when brute force is required, now used on I8-L. * Added F119 low-bypass turbofan featuring 2D thrust vectoring. Extreme control authority, used on new YF-28 example craft. * Added SABRE Engines in 1.25m and 2.5m sizes, featuring plugin powered, separate twin modes of operation, and complementary structural and intake parts. Perfect engine for SSTO designs, used on several updated & new example crafts. * Added VA1 VTOL jet engine, used on new VX-1 example craft. * Added a matching nosecone part for VS1 VTOL engine and intake part for VA1 VTOL engine. * VTOL Engines are now powered by Firespitter plugin allowing extensive and easy control over engine rotation. * Where suitable (SABRE, ramp), intakes are using animated variable geometry dependent on air speed (powered by KineTechAnimation plugin). * Vastly improved thrust vectoring module that takes into account all engines present on aircraft at once and controls each independently, allowing thrust vectoring to be used to assist in roll maneuvers (!!!) and overall improving stability and efficiency of thrust vectoring engines. Everything also returns to the neutral state upon thrust vectoring switch off, instead of getting stuck in the last position. * MK2 cockpit IVA performance improved. * S2 cockpit RCS ports now functional. * Center of mass on all wings set to attachment node to improve stability. * All animated parts are now using vastly improved generic animation module by Firespitter that allows in-editor toggling of state (e.g. for cargo bay doors), toggling in EVA where applicable (e.g. ladders), action names being displayed in action group editor, ability to reverse animation mid-playback, and much more. * HL fuselage system : * Added 0.5m SAS. * Added 8m cargo hold. * 7 new wing parts: large wingtips, winglets and stabilators. * MK1 fuselage system: * Added structural & LF tank varieties in 2m and 5m (more convenient than stock pieces of quite weird length). * Added normal and raised tail sections. * Added inline ACU. * Added inline SAS. * MK2 fuselage system: * Added MK2 to 2x1.25m bicoupler structural adapter. * Added inline RCS monopropellant tank. * Added inline SAS. * Added normal and raised tail sections. * S2 fuselage system: * Added 2m & 6m Cargo bays. * Added inline SAS. * S2W wide body fuselage system: * Added S2 to 4x1.25m adapter in structural and LFO versions. * Added S2 to 2x2.5m adapter in structural and LFO versions. * Added intake-less S2 to S2W adapter in structural and LFO versions. * S2W Intake Adapter airflow fixed. * S2W Intake Adapter drag fixed. * Added S2 to 3.75m adapter in structural version. * Added enormous S2W cargo bays in 2m and 6m versions. * Rotated Radial ACU/ASAS so they can be told apart in Editor parts list. * Added long-requested shielded docking port. * Added aerodynamically shielded R12 RCS Thruster Block and R1 Linear RCS Port ports. * Added R1A Air Thrust Nozzle that can be used in air-powered atmospheric reaction control system for VTOLs (powered by ResGen plugin). * Added long-requested alternative pitot circular intake. * Added surface-attached diverterless intake. * Added two variable-geometry ramp intakes: both can be surface attached, one features engine mount on the back. * Added intake/engine mount matching aforementioned intakes. * Added airbrake part (tied to brake action group, can be rotated to variate the amount of drag produced, can be toggled or held open temporarily). * Added radial RCS tanks in 2 sizes, matching new RCS blocks in style. * Added triangular structural panels allowing for much more freedom in builds. * Added A1 floodlight coming in as solo piece and in 4x & 8x arrays. * Added configurable info drive part that allows you to write information about your crafts (action group descriptions, optimal ascent profiles, background stories) that can be displayed to anyone during flight. Used on every example craft.
  13. 0.20.2 released, PNG/JPEG loading is fixed there. R3 still isn't ready and probably won't be released until weekend. Good news though, it's actually smaller than R2.5 while featuring almost double the parts, thanks to awesome feature of 0.20 allowing to share textures and meshes across multiple parts. It's unbelievably small now for amount of content within, which is good both for poor spaceport servers, for your loading times, and for your in-flight performance.
  14. OS doesn't change anything, KSP still won't be able to use more than 4gb.
  15. Your "ton of mods" is probably including stuff like KW Rocketry and KSPX which have never used .png textures and are completely unaffected by the issue.
  16. At least a day of work still, we have decided we need some more content.
  17. No plans for landing gear at the moment. The game lacks mirroring to support proper asymmetrical gear models and landing gear module lacks support for multiple wheel sets, which renders large gears a lot less useful. Maybe at some point in the future when these issues will be resolved, but no, not anytime soon.
  18. No plans at the moment, it's an awfully niche part. And it's more interesting to build custom escape systems with tiny parts and small pods than use one boring and static piece. Especially since 0.20 got a neat small lander can which looks perfect as an escape pod.
  19. Plugins done, content done, testing and config changes for 0.20 left.
  20. Polycount and topology should still be reasonable. These is no reason to worry about leaving 500 polys here and there, but having clean geometry is always good, if not for performance then for ease of your own work.
  21. Long time no see. First of all, go and download 0.20 NOW if you haven't done that yet. Awesome update. Second, some news about 2.6. It's unbelieveable, but I have finally finished this goddamn monstrosity: Based on GEnx and GE CF34, modeled by Taverius, unwrapped and textured by me, this engine is the most complex part I have ever worked with. It features fully animated properly working reverser, fan blades spin depending on the throttle level, it comes with several pylon types for neat-looking attachment, and so on. Phew, working on that for several days gave me a few gray hairs. Also, there is another podded engine: Again, geometry by Taverius, unwrap and texturing by me. 2.6 is almost ready, only some config changes to make it 0.20 compliant, some final fixes to SABRE engine and some testing left.
  22. MK5 and S3 probably won't get an IVA anytime soon, unfortunately. It's a very, very hard and time-consuming thing to make, and I wasn't planning to work on them for immediate update due to lack of time. Even if I wasn't hired it would have been unlikely for these IVAs to arrive soon.
  23. Seeing a nice space plane made without any intake spam is so wonderful. Congratulations, great work here.
  24. Sorry for the lack of updates, lots of work. 2.6 is still planned, Taverius, careo and Kine added some very cool updates into it this week and I will finish the last one of the 6 new engines as soon as I will have some free time. This mod isn't abandoned and won't be, I guess. I was not ordered to kill it off or something. ) Unfortunately, as I've said, I'm loaded with work both on weekdays and on weekends, and Squad is a priority, so progress on the content might be slow. Sorry, no ETA, but there isn't much left to be done. Next release would be a very important milestone for this mod, packed with very, very sweet features.
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