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Everything posted by Canopus

  1. 9/10 for remembering all those who lost their account
  2. No were just talking about different propulsion methods other than Orion
  3. So the nuclear lightbulb is far more achievable, interesting..
  4. Nyrath, would you say that the nuclear saltwater rocket is the propulsion method with the most potential or the closed cycle Gas core NTR?
  5. There is an awesome book about the Space shuttle called "Space Shuttle The History of the National Space Transportation System" It explains the whole history of the Space plane. The ISBN is 978-0-9633974-5-4
  6. Yes The user below me likes rain
  7. Nice one Nutt Btw are you going to continue work on your own Mods?
  8. 5/10 i know but i don't know why
  9. Yes The user below me don't likes chocolate
  10. Medals you mean ribbons? The user below me knows what special day its is...
  11. No The user below me hasn't been to Eeloo yet
  12. banned for not having left The Kerbin-Mun-Minmus system yet
  13. wrong The user below me has no pet
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