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Everything posted by AddMeGamers

  1. After seeing alot of mods out there i decided to create a nice compilation of all the top mods , the description is being updated with newer mods as well .
  2. very nice info ...thanks!!!! will dig it and try out some things as well as look at some of the vids !!
  3. hey guys , updated the video , enjoy more used mod listings
  4. Made a compilation of the top mods i think should be used for ksp
  5. i tried that ....same thing tends to flip out :S ...i tried all thoes combinations but once the fuel gets to low the plan becomes uncontrollable .
  6. Hey guys need help with a plane , i have tried to change nearly everything with the plane , got the center of mass right behind the center of lift . Tried to increase the gape between them , even switched them around to get the mass infront the center of lift . But i always bump into the same problem . On take off the nose flips up and does a back flip . Upone which i decided to put a massive amount of control surfices in the front to stop that from happening . Now that does stop it but once i get up around 33,000meters high and start to descend to the ground to my kethane mining site , it again spins out of control . Either the nose drops , or the nose flips . Really depending on the center of mass in relation to my center of lift . I have tried every combination and still not luck . I always loose control and have the crash . The first version which is without any mods atleast sort of managed to get to the target but still with a massive headake . the newer version i got the fuel balance mod installed to maybe balance out all the fuel but still the same problem , once the fuel gets low its becomes uncontrolable . Could someone download em , take em up for a nice high flight and try to land em once they are close to nearlly empty fuel and let me know what the hell i supose to do with them . Thanks ooo lets not forget , Happy Gaming!!! even better if you could do the tweaks and send me the build including an explanation so i know what iam doing wrong would be very highly appreciate it . http://addmegamers.com/amgfileserver/download/kethane-super-tanker/
  7. hmmm dont know , tested it out yesterday , and works totally fine with me . I guess it does come to old habbits and plane designs . But so far its amazing , works perfectly . hmmm also i would add it did act wierd when i installed it over my modded version , just made a clean install and all is well . So maybe give that a go .
  8. LOL....thats priceless ....poor lady . But still could have been fun to see how far you could have gotten away with it .
  9. lol ...well i guess i could turn this into the new KSP Mile-High club thread please do post your trips on this thread would be really nice to see what people think of
  10. heheheh cool heheheh funnily know body said anything , the crew actually stood behind me and started watching including a bunch of people in the isle . well was thinking a plane , but with the landing coming up close , the plane would take too long , and the only thing i could do in the time i had would just to get into orbit so i thought getting on the moon would be better posted the video its up
  11. thats what i used but its not showing up :S still showing broken thats why i put the link instead .
  12. After some great feed back from users this has been turned into the KSP Mile-High club Requirements : Must be air born when recording start Feel free to post your pics & videos of your ksp flights while air born Every Played KSP at 35,000 feet at 968kph ? on the way back from USA , and on my last leg from London to prague decide to pull out my laptop and have a quick game of KSP
  13. Hey guys so happy I have finally managed to get my first space plane into orbit Download : http://addmegamers.com/amgfileserver/download/a1-hummingbird/
  14. thanks really well detailed the problem is a started my laythe lets play and the problem iam having landing is , landing on laythe so iam starting to run out of options , unfortunately not anything you mentioned i can do in my current situation , the only solution i thought of is once i hit the atmosphere to do a straight vertical angle and then lower my self down like a rocket before flipping over .
  15. hey guys i have been messing about with a space plane and after many failed attempts at landing it a question has risen . What is the top speed of being able to land the standard wheels , since we only have 1 type of wheel we can use to take off and land at high speeds iam not sure what speed i can land them at. Wiki says impact tolerance at 50ms the problem is i guess my plane is heavy due to all the engines and fuel , i can get to only 160ms any lower and my nose drops and i go straight in , Probably should have put more wing surfaces . So really there is no way to land it "plane like ":S i guess i could full throttle and point vertically up and then slowly descend like a rocket down and the flip forwards . i dont know what else to do . any ideas are welcome .
  16. hey guys just doing my first stream , hope you join me
  17. could you please add this thread cheers http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24741-Tutorial-Beginners-Video-Guide
  18. Check out there is a targeted landing tutorial , should help you out
  19. lol actually it is , just suck in spelling ....glad you like the videos tho hope it helps
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