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Everything posted by Veshpa

  1. so i turned 15 on the 14th of june and i got a telescope, its a really cool one! star gazing is good fun..but takes a chunk out of my sleep schedule. im still finding saturn between libra and scorpio. (ITS HARD) http://www.celestron.com/sports_outdoors/celestron-astromaster-130eq.html i havent played ksp in 2 days...but i dont know what to do in it...or something i should make or launch. i need some ideas! help me out!
  2. learned the dock. made a space station friggin worth it http://imgur.com/2hNHXY7 i do not know a name for it yet(help me name it!)...but it consists of Fuel Module Science module Space Plane Dock Communications and a Snack bar (INCASE...that we can move around in our IVA's ) (BILL DONT EAT THE SNACKS AGAIN) i tried basing it off a space station i saw in the invincible iron man comic (Yes i read comics.. DEAL WITH IT) http://imgur.com/PW0qYxZ How did i do?
  3. R.I.P to a freaking awesome video! i cant have my daily dose anymore....
  4. i had cloned kerbals... like i landed bob,jeb and bill on the mun, and then when i went to launch another rocket...THERE THEY WERE AGAIN!. so i checked back on the mun, and they were still there, went back, still on the awaiting to launch rocket....so really Jeb, meet jeb mk2
  5. Hello! ive been seeing alot of mun bases and orbital stations recently, and i was wondering how to actually make a mun base, ive seen some suggestions, such as making it as a rover and physically driving it to the base and docking it, or make one big as spaceship and launch it in one big go? (ive made 2 successful precise landings) ( and other 4...ive either missed or crashed into) but i can take my chances..or maybe use mechjeb...MAYBE.....
  6. i really want a bi and tri rocket adapter for large rockets and an IVA for the hitchhiker Storage what do you guys wish to see in the game?
  7. YAY 0.20 CAME OUT, and the first thin i did was plant a flag on the Mun. secondly, i wanted to finally launch my space station into space because of the new IVA's, ive launched one before, but im wondering about a decent orbit for a space station, i was wondering around 80,000? maybe 75 AP - 70 PE.
  8. on my other world ive gotten past jool and landed on duna, yes past it, this is for eeloo,i said what would a ship LOOK like becuase when i tried getting to eeloo i ran out of fuel, so i only made it a few million meters past jools orbit, so dont start judging others, even tho my world got destroyed
  9. herro, i was wondering what a manned spaceship would need to get atleast 1 kerbal from the surface of kerbin all the way to eloo (i dont really care if you can can come back from) i just would like to know what will a rocket need to get there
  10. in my opinion is overeacting, but i am a really hardcore gamer, so..yeah....and also this game kinda changed my life, so it was a good memory
  11. i feel guilty by just having orda.....when i bought this game...i promised myself dont use mods.... makes me sad now..., i have just made a new world, and i'll start everything from scratch, no more massive space stations i wanted, just plain epic self made landers/space stations.
  12. i feel so guilty i used a mod called ORDA docking system, and all i wanted was to dock, but i got overwhelmed by power and now i have so many perfect orbits, and now everytime i go to my probe around duna all my ships in kerbin orbit randomly delete itself, i ashamed of using it...all i wanted was to know how to dock...but its so hard...and it takes about 2 hours of your life. T_T i miss my world....ive lost it because of me...you shalt be remembered "Scandinavian Font". any of you had this experience...
  13. i want to become an astrophysicist when i am older, i literally had no idea what AP/PE meant No idea how Landings were done No idea how to get it into orbit, this game boosted my knowlege for space even further, i am so glad i bought this game, best 23 dollars ive ever spent
  14. i'll start with my one the ISS Opportunity http://imgur.com/9HqZmId
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