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    Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. Always remember, a lack of forum posts does not me a lack of game time
  2. certainly looks interesting raptor. something cheap to run to orbit and back would be great
  3. Thanks for the suggestions guys, looking good! I have already been looking at your designs raptor. My only question would be if you had more on a smaller scale?
  4. Hi Jim, over the course of the various updates I have made craft to do all of the above My interest (and what my current time constraint allow) is to get out into space and do some exploration, i dont have the inclination to piece together the craft at the moment, beyond some tinkering. Hope that answers your question.
  5. I have been playing long enough to be more than happy that I am not robbing myself of anything, but yes I do want people to do some of the hard work for me thanks for your contribution
  6. So, where to start with what I am thinking here...? I am a long time fan of Kerbal Space Programme and over the years I have tried (and often failed!) to launch numerous junkyard rockets into space. Helping me along the way has been the great ideas and designs of many of the amazing contributors on these forums, and I guess this is also where my problem starts and where hopefully you guys can help me again! :-) There are too many of you!! "woaha!" I hear you cry, "too many?" yes too many, well too many having great ideas of how to make tanks, to make planes, submarines, cars, replicas of WW2 weapons and vehicles and to be honest not enough amongst all that making "spacecraft". What I am after is simple (and that doesnt mean world record low part count) designs for spacecraft to do things like the following: - Kerbin Satellite launches - Mun/Minmus Landings and Return - Duna Landings and Return - Eve Landings and Return - Probes to ... where ever far out there. The only other requirement is that they must apply the rule of cool, no hideous behemoths please! :-) So do you think you can help? Please post! thanks Wanderer
  7. have you tested with mechjeb? I must admit i am new to using mechjeb but it goes out of control during launch?
  8. yeah i did try that, also tried RCS, thought that all the RCS takes it had on board might have been a clue. but it still seems hard. just wondered if anyone had come up with a surefire way.
  9. does anyone have a flight plan figured out for the stock shuttle model? I find it gets uncontrollable after i dump the first booster stage.
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