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    Spacecraft Engineer

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  1. Kind of the answer I was expecting, to be honest. That's actually a much better for what I have in mind. Yes, the intercept with the ship would need to be unforgivingly precise, but assuming you could, then that more or less solves my fuel problem and mission time for the crew. Thanks guys
  2. I had never heard of that probe until now. Gonna have to look it up. but yeah, I knew a mission using this type of maneuver would require an extra burn to make up the Delta-V to reach Mars. I'm mainly looking at it as a means of conserving fuel, and by extension, weight. I was actually thinking more along the lines of a grav assist around the moon then, during the 'free-fall' back to Earth, use Earths gravity to sling the vehicle out towards Mars, after that it would be a final burn to get to Mars. But then i don't know if that would yield any significant delta-V with that maneuver. In either case, mentioned above, I'm thinking more towards fuel/weight conservation, rather than time scale. although that is obviously a factor too.
  3. It's been a while, but I finally managed to devote some time to updating this sheet. I've started to work on the space plane parts now. need to double-check the hight of the Mk3 parts, but i'm working on it
  4. I've been wondering about this for some time for use in a writing project of mine: With time not being a constraint, could you use a gravity assist to get a manned mission to Mars? My more specific question: Would a Luna gravity assist, followed by an Earth gravity assist yield significant enough velocity to be a plausible manoeuvre for a Mars mission?
  5. (Last one of these I'm posting in this area, I promise ) FINALLY! A successful (proof-of-concept) flight test for my Piggy-backed reusable space plane design. ...followed by a failiure
  6. My latest piggy-back flight test also my first vid longer than 30 seconds Enjoy
  7. just general/interesting/funny gameplay i happen to record and think others might enjoy, basicly.
  8. just wanted to double check something: If I wanted to create a thread where I could upload/link any KSP vids I make, where would the best place be to create such a thread?
  9. Actually, it turned out the problem was that I'd disabled the payloads control surfaces and set the engine to 0%... then forgot i did all of that In my defence, it worked perfectly the first time i flew it. but that was a while ago.
  10. My first time using fraps in KSP Woot! Decided to test a piggy-backed space plane prototype I've been toying with lately. This is the second in-flight seperation test, and it...doesn't end well. Enjoy
  11. Finally docked my first multi-dock vehicle
  12. okay, Spacedock then and with a sizable launcher inside the structure. - - - Updated - - - oh, sorry thank you
  13. Yes. it was in one launch. Normally I do that too, but I was inspired by something I saw DasValdez's stream the other day and decided to build a spacedock. still got more to add to this one like fuel tanks and stuff.
  14. After far too long, I've finaly launched my first orbital drydock, with two-point docking, into Kerbin orbit. Rather boringly, I've named it "Gantry Station" this is the main construction yard. i've got more components to add to it still.
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