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Posts posted by Haemogoblin

  1. I'll fly out to the area again now, this is the mission: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/30723057325971189/3BA6ED1DB20EF97D46F251883C326BFF2D9301FA/

    Edit: ROFL well it just goes to show that the universe has a warped sense of humor. Lo and behold I saw nothing on my way out but circled back over a mountain and it picked something up 20km away. I can only surmise that I was too far above what I needed to be looking for and somehow missed it on at least 3 separate occasions lol.

  2. Just grabbed my first anomalous reading mission and can't seem to find any anomaly anywhere near the suggested coordinates. It says anything between 0-10 south and 140-150 west, i've flown over the area at least a dozen times at varying altitudes but there simply doesn't appear to be an anomaly to find. There are no spikes in the magnetom readout and the scanner picks up nothing within its radius. I've zig-zagged across the square, flown the perimeter, spiralled in and even driven across the surface. I ran strips from 10 north to 20 south between 130-160 west and I simply cannot find anything. Anyone else experienced this, or have any idea what I can do to complete the job? It wants me to anomaly scan in the air and magnetometer scan on the ground.

  3. Slightly related, I've started using "Kiss my Kerbals" as a generic retort.

    On topic, I hear Cosby Kerman talking about the rattle tatting with the whizzpop flangey whatsum a lot. I think he might be losing his replacement marbles.

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