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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I thought at one point I did not have to assign keys to use the servos, just use the gui. Now I have to assign them in the keys field in order to use them. Could there be conflicts with an action assigned to the same key you assigned to the robotic part?
  2. Hi out there! I am currently trying to slightly modify the Hinge servo - however I am having no luck. Eventually I want to create more custom servos, but I need help. the MuMechLib has no wiki I am aware of so trying to understand the code(api in the config file) has been difficult. I am trying to rotate the Hinge model's top joint in blender 90 degrees, export as .dae file and update the config file to handle the new orientation. So far I am getting an oversize part with large gaps when i look at it in game (see screen shots). and no servo control either. I am including the files and would appreciate any support. If I can get somewhere with this would be happy to full fill new robotic part requests! You will need the Full plugin Damned Robotics. Thanks in advanced! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/100934/DRhinge90degree.zip
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