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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. Much better. If I get spare time I\'ll look into it for you. But I have a lot of work to get done ahead of me.
  2. Your UV map is all funky. I\'d help but I can\'t make a texture for it since your UV map overlaps like that. Also blender can\'t open the .DAE for me so I can\'t fix it.
  3. I made it to the mun, lander was kerbin landing tested to work, and then I finally get to the mun after 4 hours of trying. It bounces off the ground, dives and explodes, stranding the poor fellows with a non functional return system on the mun. not even close to enough RCS fuel to make it home, I tried to slingshot back to kerbin with the mun\'s orbit using just the limited RCS fuel left for escape, it almost worked, but upon re-entry to kerbin we found out the hard way that the parachute didn\'t survive the crash.
  4. I like spam threads, they're always fun.
  5. I was simply stating that it was unfunny and stupid in my opinion. What's wrong with that exactly?
  6. That was the stupidest thing I've ever read on this entire forum and probably near this entire year. You disappoint me, I was opening this thread expecting something scientific and interesting, what I got was unfunny meme bullshit.
  7. No, Reflector has a valid point, he's blowing stuff out his arse and just claiming it to be fact based off his opinion and partial thought. I'm going to have to agree with this, the kerbal universe is created by squad and it's their ruling of if it's realistic or not. vanilla parts ARE realistic in the kerbal universe, it's THEIR universe. If you want a 'realism mod' it comes with the game.
  8. I got the email today, sweet. I think the system's just taking a long time due to large number of donations and them probably doing it all by hand.
  9. I have not received anything about my confirmation other than the one that says if I have donate 7$ or more then I get pre-order status. Paypal confirmed that I sent 7 yet no confirmation email yet, though I figure I still have one more day to wait.
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