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Everything posted by ChrisK91

  1. Yep: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/43037-Funniest-Coolest-Kerbal-Names
  2. Well, I do like the idea. But I think there are a few issues here. Firstly, the Xbox has to support the Unity engine. Without unity support no KSP. Since the new Xbox will share the kernel with Windows 8 this might be possible. But we'll have to wait for E3 for an announcement like this. Also, we do not know (at least at the current moment) how indie games are handled by MS. How will updates work. How expensive will a license be etc....
  3. A few weeks back I did a IVA only Kerbin-Mün-Kerbin mission. To help me, I wrote a small application that helped me to calculate a few parameters for my flight (orbital velocity, phase angles, required delta V, delta V required for transfers, etc.). But this was the only time when I really did some calculation. Most times I just use Kerbal Engineer Redux and Maneuver Nodes.
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