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Old Pete

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Posts posted by Old Pete

  1. Hats of and big thanks to the KSP team from me too.

    There are so many trivial games out there, its so refreshing to find one where you dont succeed at everything at the first try. How many rockets already exploded, or failed some other way, parts forgotten, Kerbals stranded somewhere...but its just that that keeps me coming back.

    ´cause I WANT that rocket in Orbit and I WANT to rescue my Jeb from Mun and I WANT to get a satellite in orbit around someplace else...and the sweet satisfaction when the stable orbit is finaly established or the capsul with the lost son has safely landed back on Kerbin.

    Or, just the calming silence when floating peacefully in space high over Kerbin, the feeling of tranquilitiy is soothing.

    And they go further, being active in this forum and communicating with the community is an awesome bonus, some good games failed to be great because the devs did not talk to and listen to their community.

    So keep at it KSP team, I enjoyed every minute playing so far and I´m sure there are many more to come, thanks to you.

    Old Pete, signing off.

  2. Hello there fellow Kerbalnaut, glad to have you on board. There can never be to many eager scientists, especialy if there is an unlimited supply of sacrificial lambs....*cough*...I mean, brave volunteers to test the newest, fastestes, biggest rockets we can come up with.

    So share your knowledge and storys with us, so we, together, may find new and creative things to do in and with space.

  3. My Jeb was the first to get into orbit with a rocket just consisting of the most basic design. It had an antenna too, which helped him pick up the chatter from KSC, all the tales of Bill Kerman going to Mun and Minmus and other exciting places while Jeb was circling Kerbin in a burnedout rocket of ancient design. But finaly, the brilliant researchers had developed a vessel with additional crew capacity AND the ability to return to the surface in a (kinda) predictable and safe manner, so a mission to rendevous with Jeb was launched.

    It was that time that ground controlle noticed the fact that Jebs Vessel was orbiting Kerbin in a rather low orbit. So low in fact that it lost altitude with each passing, meaning that Jeb would come down on his own eventualy. Unfortunatly, neither predictable nor safe, the one parachute that had been bolted onto the top was far from sufficient to do for a safe landing.

    (Questions why it had been attached at all will not be answered and it 100% has nothing to do with getting Jeb to climb into the cockpit)

    Well, a solution needed to be found, and quick, since there was no time to get the pickup vessel up in time. So it was decided to send Jeb, who keept complaining about not getting enough movement anyway, on an EVA. A rather long one. One that would, in fact, make him his one vessel, orbiting Kerbin in a, hopefully, safe and stable orbit.

    Thanks to his low weight (praise the dry rations) and his trusty jetpack, Jeb left the old first orbitlauncher in time and managed to use his jetpack to gain enough speed and altitude to be safe until the pickupvessel made the rendevous.

    His unparalleled experience in orbiting Kerbin made him prime candidate for commandering the first permanent Spacestation orbiting Kerbin.

    There he is now, way more comfortable then in the first cockpit he sat, munching dry rations and watching Kerbin go by below him.

  4. Ok, many thanks on the answers. As I guessed, I was by far not the first to have those ideas, and yes, I obviously was to lazy to dig up those answers. So my apologies, and maybe a mod can delete this thread, looks like I am not able to do so, otherwise I would have, since it seems I came up with nothing new and spectacular :)

    But one thing about the wheels:

    What I meant is the following: In career mode, with the starting technology its not possible to create landvehicles.

    Since you get researchpoints for exploring the Kerbit surface too, I would like to see rudimentary wheels with the starting tech, so one way to get those points would be to make a "car" of sort and drive around and gather samples. I mean, when you are in the construction hangar, in the background all kind of trucks and cars drive around.

    Again, I am not talking about sandbox mode (maybe I forgot to mention that in my original post), im talking about the career mode, where it takes quit some time until you get to the wheels.

    Thats what I find irritating, thats all.

    Old Pete, signing off.

  5. Hello

    With .22 I got hooked again and spent hours already gathering Res.Points and while playing, several ideas crossed my mind.

    I did a quick check if they were on the "already suggested" or the "things not to suggest" list but did not find them (again, was a quick check) so here I go:

    For science:

    - Cameras for taking pics or filming stuff. That way one could map out space bodies or film things.

    - robotic arms. Great tools for gathering samples on unmanned vehicles (Which I use a lot, I like to keep my kerbals safe until I have stable builds :)) and could have another use: grapping other vehicles. Why that? Sometimes, ships get stranded in an orbit somewhere with no docking moduls. With an arm you could grab them and pull them, for example into a lower orbit.

    - I know, alien civilisations wont be in the game, but how about alien lifeforms? Could be simple ones like plants or bacteria, one would need gear to catch or gather them, they could be breed (maybe) and introduced into other bioms to study how they behave ("Ok, bringing this water-based plant into the desert might not have been such a great idea...")

    - A list of things you have researched already, like an archive or database

    - Cars. Seriously, the Kerbals have (crude) spaceflight but to get to the wheel it takes ages? :) I know that its about exploring space, but since you get research for studying Kerbal too (what I like very much), I would like to have a way, even if slow, to explore at least the landscape surrounding the base. I find it a bit ridicuouls that at the moment the fastest way to get to the shore is to launch a rocket to get to there. A simple, not-space-going car like a jeep or buggy would be awesome, one could do trips to the beach and the near landscape to gather samples there, plant some flags...

    - Telescopes. Just as an attachement for science vessels like the thermometer and the glob of goo and stuff.


    - or course, money/resources, but thats something that will come no doubt.

    - Using sience/spacecrafts to earn money. The idea came when I thought about the camera, one could make like TV-satellites, streaming images that can be sold to give a steady, even if low, stream of income

    - Experience and skills for the Kerbalnauts

    I would love to see them progress somehow, in my careermode I have not lost one Kerbal yet and my prime Pilot Bill has done a huge load of missions already. It would not even be necessary for to give them like big skills or "upgrades", but something like a note where you can look up how many hours said Kerbalnaut spent in space already, which planets he has visited so far... I would like that.


    - When building a rocket, a "total weight" and "lifting power" overview would be nice. That way, one could see if the rocket has enough power to lift of, and if the power is enough to get decent speed. And a quick way to see how long a chosen engine could run with the given fuel if throttled up max.

    I know that thats something one could propaply calculate but Im not asking for an exact, detailed report, just an indication like "with that config, said engine could fire for approx. 5 minutes before running dry". That would make it a bit easier to figure out if I have enough fuel on my rocket.

    - thermal shielding (I fear the re-entry damage already, but I want it :))

    - empty shells to cover things like landing gear or those cores you can use to controll your craft, they often have very un-aerodynamic shapes (or are just plain ugly :)) and it would be nice if one could put some cover over them

    General stuff:

    - Female Kerbals :) I would not have minded them to be androgynous, but now, with the names and beards (some have), the have a rather "male" image, and there are nice sketches out there already how female kerbals could look like. Would make me care for them even more.

    - Safety ropes/lines for EVA-activities

    - Radiation in space (and radiation shielding as modules for spacecrafts)

    I did put all this into this list because I did not want to make up several threads with one suggestion each, if that would have been better for the community, I will do it the next time.

    Fly safe and good landing.

    Old Pete, signing off.

  6. My old account got lost in the void, but that does not stop me from coming back.

    So hello (again), fellow kerbalnauts, Im glad (still) to be here and I am looking forward to a long and fruitful time here with you.

    Lets be a good community and help improve this already awesome game by giving good suggestions and constructive criticism.

    May you always fly true and bring your crew home safe.

    Old Pete, over and out.

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