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    Rocketry Enthusiast
  1. jenskerman

    Past 50k!

    Do we know how many people bought the game already?
  2. Wollte nur kurz anmerken, dass ich in den nächsten 2 Wochen verreist bin. P.S.: Gibt es einen besonderen Trick um die Planeten zu treffen? Den Mond muss man ja im 45° Winkel ansteuern, aber z.B. Duna zu erwischen ist gar nicht so einfach...
  3. Yes. Where do I have to go to hear it?
  4. What are the coordinates of this "picture"?
  5. A new building like control center (for missions an stuff) or a kerbonaut trainig center or a qbservatory would be nice...
  6. I think the problem won't be to reach the orbit of a planet. It will be extremely hard to catch the planets because of their very large orbits and their low velocity...
  7. 4.5/10 Yeah. Do you know, that the ESA is launching their own GPS system? Galileo, pretty cool...
  8. I'm not sure about the new status update; All the things with the green captio are already done, right? So they're almost done with 0.17?
  9. 4/10 You're the guy who thought I would be a newbie
  10. It's the logo of the european space agency, look at my signature :( 2/10
  11. 3/10. Saw you in a few posts and I remeber your avatar...
  12. We all will... 0.17 is the update, where the kerbal race has developed better technology than the humanity has. With just one single space center. That's kinda depressing
  13. That's why Jeb shouldn't construct rockets... Did it fly?
  14. Jupiter with the shadow of one of his moons, in that case europa I think... So the word would be Jupiter.
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