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Everything posted by Vagabond820

  1. Perhaps make all of the fixed guns into "fixed" guns by making them turrets with like a 1 or 2 degree gimble. Maybe add a range from gun crossover variable. Something that the ray-cast looks at for drawing the line of effect. ie. each forward facing gun draws a line between itself where its symmetry would be, determines the mid point on this line, then casts a point 90 degrees of this mid point forward to a distance decided by the user, and then those guns ray cast through that point in space to determine effects.
  2. Sorry if this has been answered, but after several hours of searching I cannot find an answer. Is their an easy method to set the gun convergence range on widely separated guns? I was designing a 3 body wide aircraft (1 lift body and 2 rocket body) with a pair of hidden Vulcan cannons at the wing root on the outside bodies. They would either shoot straight ahead or across each others paths at to close of a range to be useful. With the addition of the 50s, i imagine more ppl using wing mounted arrays (2, 3, or 4 in each wing) and would like those guns to aim at roughly the same set distance.
  3. I don't mind things taking time, but i asked this question over a month ago with no answer. All I wanted to know was if it was ever going to be a feature and a possible date of arrival. You have provided both and I thank you. Yes, it is planned but arrival date is unknown.
  4. Are we and if yes, when are we going to get support for KSP in the Curse Client? If we are forced to use Curse as the main addons site, I would very much be able to maintain, search, and add addons via the Curse client.
  5. I keep having part clipping issues in 0.21.1. I can use symmetry to attach two or more tanks to two or more decouplers but when it try to add tanks above or below those it reds out and will not place. I have to turn on the parts clipping cheat to build my srb stacks. Is this a bug in 0.21.1 or in ASRB?
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