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Custard Donut (In Space)

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Posts posted by Custard Donut (In Space)

  1. Hey Guys,

    Please don't take this as a complaint, i'm just curious, i've just had a month of my life chewed up by EVE online so i'm in kind of a daze, once a week i popped over to see how my favourite little game of the past few years is progressing, but i don't see any new updates, are they being aired somewhere else like on Twitch TV maybe? Thanks for any answers :)

  2. When will the petroleum age end?

    Short answer: in 52.9 years.


    Long answer: At current levels of reserves and production, 52.9 years. This time would get longer if proven reserves went up, or production went down, and vice versa. In reality as reserves shrink the price will go up and this will restrict demand, so you could find that the R/P ratio stayed in the same 40-50 years range it's been hovering at for a while.

    That's terrible but i'l be dead before then, Woohoo! I mean...that's terrible.

  3. When Jeb Kerman does push-ups he doesn't push himself up, he pushes Kerbin down, also Jeb doesn't read blue-prints, he stares at them until they give up the information, lastly, when the boogie-man goes to sleep he checks his closet for Jeb kerman.

  4. Wow awesome job on getting that kerbal back from space. Do you have anymore plans for that kerbal or any new space missions like making a small station for things that happen like this.

    Oh thank you very much :) I'm afraid i don't really have any more plans as i'm still just collecting science, but hopefully i'l do another story some day, i've already done two Mun rescues which doesn't really say much for my skills hehe, i think for my next mission i'l send someone else other than Elvin, he's earned himself a long rest back at the Space-center and other Kerbals are raring to become well known too. :)

  5. I managed to get him!

    I finally happened across a design that made it there and had enough fuel to come back again, here is Hope-2. full of fuel and leaving Kerbin's influence:

    p><p><img src=

    Thankfully he was only asleep and woke up to a wonderful surprise, he was going home!

    p><p><img src=

    The stage-managed shot for the newspapers, after copious amounts of coffee, hugs and back-slapping Elvin was back in the mood to smile, a catastrophic journey that thankfully ended happily.

    <a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s656/Sancho545/2013-10-20_00014_zpsd3c98ccf.jpg' alt='2013-10-20_00014_zpsd3c98ccf.jpg'>

  6. p><p>E: Yes...*crackle*...i

    M: Great news man! I just got back from orbiting the sun and i brought back a ton of science, it's going to pave the way for nuclear engines so we can design something to get you back, well eventually, we just need to do some more journey's and...

    E: MERFROD!!...IT's BEEN 106 DAYS!!!! *fizzle*

    M: I know, i know! Trust us we're getting there, anyway we've told K-Radio that Miley Kyrus and Justin Kieber are banned till we get you down don't worry, anyway....goodnight Elvin.

    E: And that Lady Kaga, *fart-sound* I don't want to hear it anymore Merfrod! *Spshhhh!*

    M: You got it Elvin... i'l let them know mate, see you.

    E: Yeah :( *beep*

    (reality, i can't make anything with enough fuel to rendezvous with Elvin until i get hold of some nuclear engines, so i need more science, yes i suck.)

  7. Quick! They're coming back! Everyone get mopping!

    Sub-commander Seetop fell over in shock when he saw that the use of electric light had become widespread on kerbin. Things will never be the same again.

    Bill stood over him, to make sure he was alright.


    I sorted out the two things on landing legs I had, to avoid trouble when I update.


    Why do my kerbals have no confidence in me? :sealed:


    Kerbin has spots.


    Lastly, an experiment.


    These are awesome. :)

  8. I guess Elvin is saying: "Anyone... anybody... do you copy?... Please copy..."


    I have a sinking feeling that in real life a helmet radio might not be strong enough to reach Earth or be drowned out by radiation or something, but if it did he'd be able to listen to Miley Kyrus and Justin Kieber for a few years, he might be mad when we finally save him though.

  9. I'm playing career mode and it's poor Elvin Kerman that has found this out, i got him into orbit around the Mun, looked at the fuel and thought, "yeah, let's try and land, i think i have enough," well he landed, did some excellent research and even took a valuable chunk of Mun with him, he took off again but there wasn't even enough fuel to orbit the Mun and i had just saved, his ship was on a collision course with the Mun!

    Copying some quick thinkers who have done the same in the past i EVA'd him and using his jet-pack i managed to get him into orbit around the Mun without his ship, but now all that data is gon...er i mean poor Elvin! Stuck there floating in space, and i'm not even advanced enough to make any kind of rescue ship i don't think, he's going to be there a while before i can get him, and i think he left his Mun rock in the ship that crashed back to the Mun...not that it matters of course, as Elvin is the main concern here. *cough*

    Poor Elvin. :(

    <a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s656/Sancho545/2013-10-17_00007_zps033b4372.jpg' alt='2013-10-17_00007_zps033b4372.jpg'>

    I don't know about you guys but without access to my cookie-cutter ships and with all these new scientific wotsits to strap on the top making the load heavier, my old methods just aren't cutting it anymore.

  10. I don't seem to dream anymore, i used to when i was younger but i am in my mid-thirties now (no idea if that has anything to do with it) and i just don't seem to dream, that or i can no longer recall them, you may laugh but i've felt myself becoming stupider the older i get :D

    There are a few dreams that i remember, one especially comes to mind because i induced it intentionally after doing a couple of weeks research on Shamanism, :confused: no idea why, just one of those things young people do, there were no drugs involved, the instructions i read were to sit down in a comfortable armchair and imagine a few things, firstly i was to imagine i was outside in nature, i could imagine myself anywhere i wanted to be, high up in the mountains, in a forest, in a desert, wherever i wanted, i found myself in a desert where a lone tree hung in the air as if by magic.

    The next instructions (I had read all this before trying the experiment) was to imagine an opening or a door somewhere, if i was up in the mountains i'd have expected to see a cave, if in a forest perhaps i'd have seen a burrow, for me however a large, black hole dutifully appeared in the tree's trunk, i jumped up, grasped the roots dangling in the air as best as i could and pulled myself upward, inside the hole were rope stairs leading down (by this time i must have been dozing or asleep in real life) but instead of leading back out to the desert, on climbing down them i found myself on a small island made of earth, completely covered in grass with the tree now hanging above it, the sky was a drizzling grey and i was surrounded by a huge ocean.

    At this point i was to meet my animal spirit, when it did appear it was nothing like what i had been expecting, in fact it was an animal which i felt was very unlike me both in appearance and character, according to the book i had read it is tradition to never reveal your animal spirit to anyone so out of respect (and superstition!) i shall not do so, however what happened next was the best part of the dream for me at least.

    The creature took my questions, all of them, questions that troubled me greatly and answered me with deep answers that satisfied my heart and my soul completely, i knew them to be true but could not have found the answers on my own, this had an incredibly humbling and emotional effect on me, the spirit (didn't look like a spirit, it was very solid) then left me and i was alone, at this point i remembered what i had researched, that receiving the answers to these questions was the easy part, bringing them back to the land of the conscious was the hard part, i tried to wake up and i couldn't, the waves lapped at the island and i suddenly panicked.

    I could not awaken, my eyelids remained shut and my body paralysed, i struggled and felt asphyxiated, everything was black, i felt like i was dying, i tried to shout out and heard my own voice in my ears, a slurring moan, i honestly thought i was a goner, like my brain was dying or that i was ceasing to exist, thankfully i woke up and guess what! I couldn't remember a single answer! :D Not only that, i couldn't even remember the questions i had asked.

    It was a bizarre dream and frankly not something i'd recommend that anyone try doing, it was pretty scary.

  11. Wilby Kerman loves everything about space-missions...well almost everything, retrieving the precious science from the SC-9001 unit (complimentary notepad included) can be a bit tricky.

    <a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://i1310.photobucket.com/albums/s656/Sancho545/gfhjhgf_zpsd485ed17.png' alt='gfhjhgf_zpsd485ed17.png'>

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