Cilph, I just had an idea. (That has probably been suggested but I cannot find it.)Assume CSAT ONE is in GKO with a connection to KSC and CSAT TWO (or above, such as CSAT THREE so on) does NOT have a connection to KSC. With "Active vessel", why not "group" all satellites with a connection to CSAT TWO *as* CSAT TWO. For example, if I have a ship in Duna orbit, with a Kerbin satellite set up to relay to "Active Vessel". The ship in Duna orbit drops of a science pod, which would NOT connect to Kerbin relay. It does, however, have a connection to the Duna mothership. If the Kerbin relay targeted the Mothership via "active vessel", and the AV grouping system was implemented, the science probe would still be connected. If you like, I'll draft up an image that'll probably explain it better.