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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by towermaster2
I think that there is a large strategic value with civilizations and Organisations that will heavily benefit if implemented correctly. I think that at the beginning you should have the option of two types of space agency, Public (Higher funding, no tourism possibilities, no loans, fewer Corporate contracts exchange for more financial security,higher science grants, no Stock exchange possibilitie, Govermental compeditors and Less expensive astronauts ) or Private (Less funding ,Tourism possibilites, Loans, more Corporate contracts, less financial security, lower science grants, the Stock exchange, corporate competitors, and More expensive astronauts).The Organisations and Civilization interaction will be vastly important to the program because often programs will attempt to out-compete others. and a 'Space Race' may occur with the winner receiving a hefty reputation bonus. Sorry for the lost post, but what do you guys thing about the ideas?
This has been troubling me for a while now, but I feel that I have time get this of my chest. Fanworks subforums are one of the most brutal areas on the Internet, not because they are unfriendly, but because of the fact that the people on these subforums have high expectations and detest change, no matter how interesting, ambitious or quirky that change may be. Being a fan fiction writer myself(kind of) I haven't had much sucess, mainly because of certain barriers. The first major barrier is the fact no matter how much you update, people are going to lose interest. Some people don't have the time or energy to write or draw everyday, and even if you want to some event is going to get in the way. The damage is not done to the object of interest, but the creator of said object. It can be quite disheartening to see people essentially ignore your work, even if they are interested. People don't seem to realize how important a comment on work actually is. A bit of praise or constructive criticism can fuel people's desire to work because they feel like they have made a difference, a change that has affected someone positively. The second barrier is people's expectations and customs. There is little to say here except that people should attempt to be open minded and read what they normally wouldn't. Not only for the people who are writing these, but also for yourself. You might like something you though you would hate, or vice versa. I thank you for essentially reading me rant.
Chapter 4: The Heist. "Right, we have five minutes, after five minutes, the other squads will enter the building. We'll knock out the power generator first." I said, sliding the shuttle door open. "Move out." "Sir, there is at least 50 soldiers, and many more possibly armed civilians, how do we over power them?" "We use charges to destroy the generators. which'll shut down all non vitals. the backup generator has about 5 hours of charge. all it takes is to destroy that, and they'll all be dead in 5 to ten minutes." "So threaten to kill them... Won't all soldiers have EVA suits?" "Yes." We hide behind a rock, the facility in view. "Sniper, Thompley, shoot the sniper" "Yes sir!" Thompley kneels, careful to keep his rifle steady. a flash comes from the mussel. "Missed." looking through my scope, I spot a indent on one of the pipes as air gushes out of it. "I don't believe you... you best hope that doesn't -" A red flash appears all around the mine. "Well isn't that great? All teams, move in!" Another flash comes from thompley's mussel, this time, however, the sniper falls over. "Arm you carbines, we'll go in hot." We dash along the cold, slippery ice. bullets start speeding past us as I start feeling something in my chest... something all too familiar. I suddenly start shooting in seemingly random directions as my body dances an unconscious ballet. I stop as soon as I began, confused and relieved that I still had it. I walk to the door, charge in hand. "Stay clear!" I said, priming the bomb. Suddenly I sprint away and dive as a fireball engulfs the door behind me.
Chapter 3: A Criminal Past "Attention all personnel, Hoenn Transfer Burn to Eeloo in T minus 300 seconds." Looks like I overslept... Again. I sprint to the bridge "Sir! any plans when we get to Eeloo?" Gene said "Perhaps... Maybe, just maybe." "What, sir?" "Could you get Maudin to check the Sol map?" "Already on it sir!" Maudin said. "Why, sir?" "If memory serves me-" "There are several mining sites on Eeloo, All of them small scale." "Why so small? Eeloo has the densest collection of resources in the solar system, Uranium 235, Palladium 102 and Iron pockets make up the entire planet below the ice." Gene asked "Because of pirates, their resources can be stolen when they're outside of the facillity." I said "Ah." "The largest of the facilities in Eeloo is the Willikum and Sons Mining station, it usually grosses around 3000 million per year." "That's a lot of money..." "Indeed, we have a few weeks to prepare." "wait What?" Gene said "What's wrong with a heist, Gene?" Maudin said. "I don't know GETTING KILLED." "Now your being melodramatic, besides, we have the most wanted person alive with us... Dammit. "MAUDIN! What the hell?" "Sir it just slipped out!" "The most wanted person alive... We have Scarlet, Freaking Scarlet!" "Maudin, I'm going to change. oh and BTW, I suggest you do to." "Yes sir!" I don't believe this! Maudin In the name of the kerbal race. Forget it, it's only a matter of time before people realize the truth. Best tell them now. I rummage in my wardrobe desperation, trying to find a specific piece of clothing. I eventually find a suit of Red Armour, battle scared and dinted. I walk back to the bridge. "In the name of all that is Kerbal..." "What?" Can't I wear some battle armour? Is that such a big crime?" Maudin walks into the room with dark blue armour, almost identical in shape. "You too, Maudin? What in Kraken's going on here?" "Maudin, I got the rocket juice you wanted... What the." "I guess they've never seen us in this, so lets introduce ourself, right Jeb?" "No need!" Gene said. "Why would two infamous pirates need introducing? Why haven't you told anyone!" "It was on a need to know basic, Gene, you know that." "You could have just said you was the most wanted person in the system, Jeb, Or should I call you Shi?" "Shi, what about Shi... What in the name of-" "Enough. Maudin, just bring every member into the room. "Sir, the transfer!" "It can be postponed a few minutes" "The next window is in half an hour!" "I know!" "So Jeb, If your Shi then Maudin's-" "Gear, that's right." "Shi was executed nine years ago..." "Not exactly." "You really think Shi would have been so easy to catch?" Maudin said. "You obviously don't know what he can do." "That doesn't explain anything!" "It might not, but that doesn't change the facts. Shi is alive, whether people like it or not." "Ok. Are you going to keep it a secret, or-." "Oh no, Gene, Just that nickname strikes fear into the solar system. I would be a fool not to abuse it." "But why would anyone believe you?" "Because suddenly the most high security mining operation in Eeloo, armed with 60 plasma lasers would be destroyed." "By a bunch of recruits and an infamous pirate? We'll never get out alive." "Ah, but that is where you are wrong. You see, the plasma laser turrets need warming up. roughly 20 minutes to fire at once without causing a power surge." "That doesn't stop them from firing one..." "Problem is that after 200 or so kilometres or so the laser cannot melt reentry shielding." "So it requires several lasers?" "Exactly twenty to turn the shielding into plasma. that would take 20 minutes to warm up." "Jeb we're... Here. Damn." shout the crew, entering the bridge" "The facility has a weakness that only a special weapon can easily exploit. Maudin had it installed twelve hours ago." "Yes, the plan is simple. gentlemen. We use the hyper focus beam to damage life support and reactor areas. it will take 3 hours for them to be repaired. Until then, the Plasma lasers cannot be fired. A ground team, including me and captain Jeb, will infiltrate the facility. The ground team will be split into three squads, Squad A go to the vault to steal the money and refined materials while Team B attempt to override the lasers. Squad C will control the personnel, with deadly force if necessary. I will command B team, Jebediah Team C and Gene will command team A. After the facillity is captured, Exodus will land and the materials and money will be transferred to the ship. You will be told your positions in the Heist later this month."
Squad have announced that .22 will not break any savegames, as all games are saved as sandbox
Chapter two, Escape from Jool "Accursed Kraken..." I said, mouth gaping. "Tell me that this is a hallucination..." The room stays eerily quiet as fear consumes. I look at Jool, Her magnificence, her beauty... "It's not safe here." I conclude in my head. "What do I do... Perhaps... Maybe-" "Sir, what are we going to do?" Karla asked, putting her hand on my shoulder. "Now we're... Pirates." "I can clear this misunderstanding. I can tell them that we saw it being destroyed, and that we collected the salvage to give back to the X-plore Co." "Sir, that's not going to work, I'm afraid." Maudin said. "No, it's not, but one can still dream, right?" "Surely we can do something?" Gene said, scribbling notes on a piece of paper. Suddenly an idea popped into my head, it was dangerous, but It could work. "We can, but it's dangerous." "What is it?" the crew said, in one variation or another. "We flee-" "How is that dangerous?" Gene interrupted? "Because we're fleeing to... The Eelooian Belt." "The pirate belt? Surely your not suggesting?" "That we become pirates? Yes, I am." "I will not associate myself with them!" Jenna, my Computer specialist, said. "It's either that or death!" I shout. "Then death it is!" "DO NOT BE SO RASH!" I scream "THAT COULD GET YOU KILLED ONE DAY!" "I'm not being rash!" "Put her in the brig until she realises what she's doing." "But sir-" Vonne said. "DO IT,THAT'S AN ORDER!" "You can imprison me all you want, but I will not be a despicable pirate like you!" "RIGHT, I'M GIVING YOU ONE LAST WARNING BEFORE I DO THIS PIRATE STYLE, ACCEPT THAT YOU ARE A PIRATE!" "No!" "Torture her until she says the line "I am a pirate!" "No! I don't want to!" I pull my pistol out of it's holster, cock it, and aim at Jenna. "Do it, or she dies!" "No!" I aim it at Vonne "Do it, or YOU die!" "We all know your not going to-" BANG! BANG! BANG! "AHH!" "Not such a Smart-ass now, are you?" "My leg!" "That was a warning shot." "A warning shot doesn't hit me in the knee!" "No, it doesn't, you're right." I said, smirking while he grasps his bleeding knee. "As Vonne is currently incapable to torture Jenna, does anyone else wish to volunteer?" The room stays silent, shocked at what happened. "If you can shoot Vonne, you can torture me!" "I am going to ask you one more time, are you a Pirate?" "No!" "Then your duties are relieved..." Bang! Thud! "In the name of Kod, you killed her!" Gene exclaimed. "I only granted her wish, gene, nothing more." "You enjoyed that, didn't you?" Maudin asked. "I... I... I only did it because it was necessary. I do not take pleasure in these endeavourers." I said, looking around at my crew. "Your all dismissed from the bridge." "Sir, we do not have the required fuel to escape to Eeloo." "Maudin, deploy the gas drones." "Yes, sir." "Pilot, we travel to Eeloo in a week. Also, Gene, could you put Jenna's body into the morgue?" "Yes, sir."
Chapter 1: Prologue 225 years... since my kind first landed on Mun. Its surprising, isn't it, how much a species can advance in so little time? But, of course, with every advancement, there are two setbacks. Life expectancy is 20% lower then it used to be back in those days, even with their dodgy rockets. Why? Technology, quite ironically, considering it's purpose is to increase our quality of life. Chaos ensues the Cosmos, all for the sake of a chunk to call 'home' The main reason people want a chunk to call home is because we had to abandon Kerbin 100 years ago because the entire planet had become extremly radioactive.Corporations that were there to earn money capitalised on this, and build large space cruises to send millions into space. We have never returned. Corporations nowadays have as much power as they have money, and are full of hollow, conceited kerbals. They often endorn black suits, probably to reflect their evil. "Sir?" a Kerbal says, standing in the doorway "Yes Gene?" I reply "Sorry for interupting you, but you are needed in the bridge. It's important" "I will be there immediately. Could you Debrief me on the situation?" We walk through the bleak, industrial hallways. I've noticed that Gene is walking stiffly. Must be because he isn't used to the magneto-boot. "Two ships have been detected fighting 200 Kilometres away, and from how big they are on our sensors, they must be dreadnoughts." "Ok. I still don't see how this is an emergency." "Most dreadnoughts do not have scavenger drones, so this could be an opportunity to get extremely valuable goods for our next route next quarter." "I see." The rusted door slides to reveal yet another bleak, industrial room. Computers bleep and the pitter-patter of magneto-boots is clearly audible. In the centre of the room stand two chairs, one has a throttle gauge, computers, a fuel gauge, a display and a respirator. The other has computers displaying schematics of unapproved designs, another respirator and a microphone. I sit at the latter of the chairs. "Captain" Said the kerbal in the other chair " What should we do about the detected ships." "Monitor them for now pilot." "Yes, sir." Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Bloody YES, SIR! Oh how much I hate that phase. Its robotic, shows absolutely no personality and just depresses me. Are they scared to voice their own opinion because I am their captain? Whatever the reality it, we have business to attend to. A bright flash rises over the horizon of Laythe "Explosion detected sir!" "Indeed. Maudin, have you determined the cause of the explosion?" "It appears to have been caused by a mixing of two fuel times. These fuel times are extremely volatile and when mixed create an endothermic reaction." "So there's been a serious hull breach. Any idea on who owns the ship?" "Judging by the fact that It's a Octagonal Prism, It is most likely that it is an X-plore Co dreadnought." "Sir! The Second dreadnought has initiated it's primary thrusters, the projected trajectory is Duna!" "Move in to the first dreadnought. The ship is either destroyed or is having life support issues." "Sir, if it is destroyed, then we are risking damaging the Exodus!" "Move in, that's an order!" As we approach closer, the green giant, Jool, rears it's magnificent head. She sparkles like a gem, lost in the void of space. I wonder, is this what Kerbin used to look like? It would have been a splendid sight to behold, but alas, Kerbin is a dead husk of herself. Soon, the beauty of jool is obstructed with chunks of steel. Seems to be quite the metaphor for what kerbals are doing to our home. Soon, the Ugly octagonal wreckage is revealed, embalmed with the word 'Prometheus' "The XCF Prometheus, the flagship of the X-plore co, destroyed. the thing that made me become a pilot... gone." The pilot remarks. "Good riddance to bad rubbish, in all honesty Dean" I say in reply "C'mon, we have a dreadnought to salvage. Maudin, Gene, Karla, Dante. to the hangar with me." "Yes, sir!" they chant robotic-ally while I feel that a few of my brain cells commit suicide one by one. "So we're looking for what, sir? Gene say, strapping on his jumpsuit. "Computers, the Server, Engines, Data, Weapons, anything that's worth salvaging." "Are you sure about this, sir?" Karla asks. "About what?" "About scavenging the flagship of the largest corporation in the solar system?" "It's no use to them, is it?" "I guess not, but it seems a bad idea, after all, the X-plore Co have never liked their ship's 'grave' being looted." "Well, It's first come first serve in this world, Karla, you'll understand when your my age." "Yes, sir..." I haul a heavy square backpack that has a mask crudely attached. This EVA pack is about all we could afford. "Is everyone ready?" "Yes, sir." they replied. We clamber in a small, sleek craft, the door shuts behind us. a lifting sensation is felt. the ship suddenly jerks forward, eager to go to it's destination. As soon as the ship jerked forward, we arrived at a intangible mess of steel. the doors opened as the air spurt out. "What have I told you about conserving oxygen, Gene?" "put the oxygen into the holding ballasts." We clamber out of our seats weightlessly and start to explore the wreckage. for some time, nothing interesting was found. "Sir! I've found an unusual warhead. Could you check it out?" Maudin said across the communicator. When I arrived, a unusual, round object was thrusted into my face. "It appears to be a Multi-Missile. a concept that was abandoned after precision lasers were common use. Why would it be on a flagship?" Maudin said "Because, Maudin, a precision laser cannot hit many missiles at once. They are simply not designed to do so." "I see, Perhaps we should analyse this at the Research lab?" "Take it back to Exodus, you know what to do." A monotonous few hours ensued, compared to the multi missile, all the rest of the worthwhile objects were lather lackluster. Some reactor schematics, engine schematics, Encrypted data and a substantial amount of drone parts. We took these back to the ship, and by the time we returned, we was all tired from the days work, We simply went back to our quarters, where I fell asleep soon after... "Captain! We need you at the bridge immediately!" Karla shouted "Another ship?" I said, slurring my speech. "No, something Urgent!" "I'll be at the bridge in a second." I said, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. After waking up a bit, I proceeded to walk to the bridge. "Yesterday, the XCF Prometheus was reported missing, rumoured to have been destroyed. Their worst fears were confirmed when a XCF satellite took these shocking images of the Prometheus in tatters. The other ship at the scene is believed to have destroyed the prometheus" "But thats-" "It is believed to be an ex-XCF battleship called the Exodus, which is currently owned by a Captain Jebediah Rivea. CEO of the X-plore, M.Asuri, has made a speech on this horrible event." "Captain Jebediah Rivea is none other than a Pirate, a scoundrel and a Mass murderer. We will deal with this criminal with all we have got, and have placed a bounty on his head, 1.5 Billion Kerbucks alive and 5 Milliard Kerbucks Dead. He will not get away with these crimes UNPUNISHED!"
I have decided that a new chapter will be posted every Thursday from the 10th October 2013. Chapters: 1: Prologue. 2: Escape from Jool. 3: A criminal past. 4: The Heist. 5: Call of the Leviathan. 6: A new hope. 7: To Gamma! 8: To Murder a Marauding Monarch. More Pending
101+ Impossible/stupid requests
towermaster2 replied to Richy teh space man's topic in KSP1 Discussion
We've got the next best thing... Mutated Sea Bass -
Sorry for essentially bumping this thread up, but I feel something#s amiss, that much is obvious by this threads 'popularity'. I just want to know what other people are doing right, and what I'm doing wrong.
Anyone else think that the kraken's leader will show up and give Jebediah three choices,l to control, combine or destroy the mechanikraken. and each one will have a blue, red or green explosion. XD No but seriously good story
End of chapter four.
Changed a part of the story, felt like it revealed to much of the plot, also been inactive because I was on holiday/vacation for two weeks
A little more story
More story added, sorry for the slow updates.
A little more story added
Spiritwolf/Hanland Submissions
towermaster2 replied to Chozo Nomad's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
The Orbital Strike System (O.S.S For short.) Is a versatile ballistic satellite that can attack anywhere in kerbin within six hours. Clocking at 95 parts and 75.85 tonnes including launch vehicle, although the initial satellite doesn't come with Missiles/Torpedoes, it has six port to hold normal torpedo stacks, and a large port for a IPBM. Control groups; 1 to toggle solar panels. the Vehicle on the pad the Vehicle on it's final stage, burning to it's target orbit. the Sattelite in orbit. Company: United Kerbal Republic Law Division. Company Bio: After the Laythe incident, the U.K.R has recently prepared for assault by either party launching several sattelites for the O.S.S around kerbin. It does not wish to get involved with the Spiritwolf Hanlan war, and has put up protective barriers to make sure it doesn't Allegience: Neutral unless provoked / is a severe threat. Craft file: http://www./download/rpitghi4714249u/O_S_S.craft -
That is very much appreciated, I try to do my best when writing, expect this story to be long, however. VERY, very long.
:3 More story added.
Updated again with a slither. Sorry for recent Inactivity, been busy.
Things are staring to get interesting aboard Exodus...
There was no need for the flame resistant clothing, I understand what you mean. and I know I make these mistake, it's just that bad habits die hard, really. I will continue to refine and edit previous chapters as well.