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Posts posted by Anthlon

  1. Great discusion guys, but keep it together, isn't that great, that finally somebody from development start looking this way too? Be happy about it :-) no point to argue about technics of runninig when we are just before first step. Remember how many changes went through before we had todays science gathering?

    But also, thanks all for opinions

  2. on


    finally announced so awaited

    • probe telemetry
    • antenna relay networks

    I was so looking forwad to have these features in vanilla game! This makes sense to currently do all of "place satelite on orbit" missions, which will be left there for nonsense blocking your view or leading you to miss-click when operating with targets.

    Thanks Developers! Keep up good work.

  3. I would welcome rover test track either, its easier to make (just make part of the bumpy road next to center) and thats it!, about airplanes - it is about testing so i would count that for a part of the game itself, i do not need this right now, altrhrough in real world it does make sense.

  4. Anything else, like more places, few will do the job, one for the start :-),

    no seriously, lets have that in some-like following order:

    • 0. On the begining there was a tech-tree node [Then after unlock..]
    • 1. Discovery site by observation (crew report above) = Enlist site
    • 2. Land there and land home from there after = Enable site for launch
    • 3. Upgrade site same as regular KSC (to extend capability and quality of site)
    • 4. Maybe optional after - Start from there with the extra price for that
    • 5. 100% recovery when landing there
    • 6. Maybe something exclusive there - little bumpy road to test rovers?

    Conclusion - You can use that, or totaly ignore that way, nobody gets hurt, and interested ones have something else to work around..

  5. Here is the idea - Could be changed texture of "Structural Fuselage" or "Mk1 Liquid fuel fuselage" ? they look way to same (almost). Yes, they are at different groups, but still..

    It happened to me several times (my mistake, i know..)

    One fun storry to tell:

    First peek to duna, yup, contract to fly near, great, i have plenty tech to going there, so put a huge rocket, four big boosters, everything smooth, final stage for Duna orbit made it with two others which was supposed to burn earlier, but it went well, so contract made, and with that also carry some experiments from very hi orbit, why not try to return them, two and half stages are enough, decouple... and no thrust, engine off.. why..fuel? I have, liquid.. here are full tanks... full? [RightClick]...tanks??? ...tanks? no.. knock knock whos there - structural fuselage, structural fuselage where? structural fuselage on kerbol orbit far a way from home..

  6. ...

    Let's say you have an orbital station with multiple ships docked. Each of those ships has several decouplers, with carefully arranged staging sequences, perhaps even some with "unwanted" decouplers parked in stage 0. When you dock another ship, you now have to rearrange a bunch of decouplers, assuming you even remember to do so. When one of your docked ships leaves the station, the station and ship sequences now need to be fixed. Having a lockout or what I like to call a "Swigert note" on individual devices would be very convenient. An "inactive" stage would be handy in some situations as well. Would be nice to see both methods implemented.

    Yup, the afterdock/undock situation was my major concern, also in some "part" flying somewhere to meet and use later (to prevent usage early or in delivery launch progress).

    Please do that in any form!

  7. Better than doing that with many bugs, for now, do not do that at all, and focus on game features, and later maybe. As far as game goes on my average gaming computer well, i do not need 64bit release just for feeling that i am using it in 64. I would like to see squad going to this suggestion forum and quickly replying about some usefull ideas over here, to see what will be possible from our opinions..

  8. Outpost (Surface-Base) parts

    I do not suggest anything particular, but be honest.

    Its a common need, to build something on surface in mean to stay there, why use "rocket parts with legs / docking ports" instead to enjoy full delivery of parts for planned (for ex.) moon base, or anything outpost base. Few cubes with doors allowing entry by kerbals will do the job. In advance maybe some inter-connecting them. But get rid of using only rocket parts for stationary use on surface of plantes. There is plenty of solutions and uses for upcoming new features how to include that.

    Nice would be something like dormitory, lab, observartion block (with IVA view).

  9. Agree with some navball precise aiming improvement.

    For example with longer burns it happens often to me that i am left chasing the dot on maneuver marker, instead of aiming for it whole time. (because with closing up on target, the diference in heading become to be visible from nothing to mentionable deviation from course). I am personaly not requesting ultimate precision aiming, but maybe with the precision controls as healeon wrote, there maybe (at some advance in game maybe?..)could be some magnifier on navball when precisions activated (& target or maneuver is active).

  10. Thanks for replies, i see the problem now, how it is set up at this current state. No serious complaints to squad, they are making a hell good job, from nothing we have good game.

    Now to my suggestion, as been said here. Same for (my ship, but also for everyone)

    -separating somewhere where is debris falling down, can we have something like simple impact calculator? By that i mean - If its falling, lets have crash it to projected XY surface, if it has parachute lets have it land as a "landed" debris for all that things we do have disappearing now. Possible in game as it is now? Really, why to lose time and money (in game) with stage parachutes for smooth drop, and not just bomb KSC with falling boosters straight down..which are never land/impact to ground

  11. Yep this has been discussed many times and always comes back to needing to simulate physics for multiple craft at once which would be a large performance hit. Easiest solution is instead of recovering the craft just recover the kerbal. He can take any science he gathered anyway.

    It is! but there should be some solution, also for droping (recovering) stages, something like preloaded result for object of some conditions. Like with or without parachute activated etc.. I personaly do not need exact simulation on non-watched crafts/debris..

    Lets say, if it has parachute, than place it on surface of projected land, or sea, if it has not, then crash it (erase).

  12. I have observed this a long time ago, never has any issue with that, but now, it realy made me mad!


    - I made a flight to a lower orbit

    - early situation in career = no other on-orbit power sources + engine with no power supply

    -> fuel+energy empty craft orbiting kerbin stuck there (with 1 crew in it)

    - rescue mission type to meet at orbit, than gently touch "dead ship" and retrograde burn holding dead one until safe deorbit trajectory

    this was the situation after burn:


    Situation after:

    I did after retro-burn, another burn detached from dead one to regain some speed/alt to make difference of landing, rescue ship was supposed to land a lot later (far from dead one), parachutes on both ships already activated+gear extended for case landing to a land


    If you are going down, the ship which you do not watch (piloting/flying) will disappear killing the crew.

    I did immediately after landing recover of watched ship, and other one (withl longer landing trajectory) was not even seen at tracking station, also no debris from it of any kind.

    Killed crew, now in list KIA.


  13. Yes, that is the area of thoughts i ment. Lets talk about range. I would like to see something very basic, like was the science in first version introduced for example - that level depth of functionality.

    Now about my idea how it possibly can be integrated. Satelites are basicaly good for signal and for holding up there (somewhere) for a while, so what we can now use that for. Science, reports?

    Ok, lets have two situations:

    we do not have satelite with reciever antena on actual body orbit (and another in kerbin orbit) - Gain will be (for ex.) 15% of transmitted.

    we do have satelite with reciever antena on actual body orbit (and another in kerbin orbit) - Gain will be (for ex.) 30% of transmitted. ?maybe?


    for start does not solve visibility (direct line) from one to another place... and stick with route Tx(source)->SatOrbitOrigin->SatOrbDestination(Kerb)->KSC Science center

    for all of the packets (from begining to end) there will be consumed electricity during all time of transmission at each one of satelite used, if successfull then science points transmitted, if not, transfer fails, and you can resend later.

    How about that? no new part needed, we already have everything in game.

  14. Here it is. It pains me all the time i do play and watch kerbal, from early times.., now i decided to filter it out.

    "Make satelites worth" (in stock game)

    - I do not ask for something extra, sometnig exact (even it would be simple to pick).

    - I do ask for something which would be "satelites" good for in KSP. Because it is not a difference for KSP today between unmanned ship and satelites.

    - Please make something for this part..,something small maybe?...

    I will not write here tons of ideas already posted, that's no point.

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