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Everything posted by OptiSTR

  1. k guys so i managed to land on Minimus, made quite a bit of science and got some useful new techs. a little problem i didnt found a solution for (even though i did googled it) > is there a guide to how to do science properly? for example, i EVAd on my way back from Minimus, and tried to collect data and i had this message that i cant collect more data... and i had to trash it
  2. lol... thanks for the help guys. but now i have a new problem, i cant control heavy rockets! and they are also no THAT heavy, just enough dV to get to the Mun and back at 10.000 kilometers im trying to turn towards 70 angle and its as if my WSAD not responding I built a new rocket, went to the Mun, without landing, and back, had just enough fuel, would of failed if landed on the Mun, and this rocket was BIG, barely could control it
  3. Hello I would like to request a tutorial about 0.22 Mun landing I found a tutorial on youtube but they used parts I dont have yet (Career mode) My main problem is that even though I copy rocket designs from other players, I keep on running out of fuel no matter what My tech is: Start > Basic Rocketry > Survivability
  4. How do I calculate my Delta V? (And i cant do asparagus staging yet, dont have the tech) Now about my payload, its just the capsule with one kerbal in it and 3\4 goo capsules for science
  5. Hello So, i managed to get into orbit, and back, with some science done all went well. Now i want to go to the Mun, ive tried several designs, light and heavy (with what the early game provides me with), both with and without solid fuel rockets. The conclusion was like this: Light rocket, enough fuel to reach the Mun, and land on the Mun, but no enough fuel to get into Mun orbit or to fly back home. tried it with both 1\2 and 1\2+1\4 tanks, pretty much the same result. Heavy rocket, 3 of 1/2 fuel tanks in the middle + 2 of 1/2 fuel tanks X 4 on the sides > kept loosing control during take off (rocket barely reacts to any maneuvers). So i watched a clip on youtube with someone going to the Mun and made a copy of his rocket, and still ran out of fuel. I came to think that my main problem located at the point where i break loos of Kerbin gravity pool, it looks like i spend too much fuel, while orbiting at 100k all my attempts ended up with same result, i menage to get into orbit, but by the time i make final orbit corrections, i end up spending fuel from my final stage Can someone please point me to what can i possible do wrong?
  6. IJKL keys wont respond... yet when i clock A or D it looks like the wheels are turning, yet they do so with the capsule rotating to the side (gyro-thing is active)
  7. hello so i built a rover, with 1 command capsule, square plate and 4 wheels. now i managed to land it on Minimus yet it looks like my capsule keeps acting like its a ship, rotating around itself when press A or D instead of turning... W rotates it forward instead of "driving" it forward... what did I do wrong?
  8. hey guys im having problem with traveling to distant planets... So im trying to land on the mun the then to fly back home, I have 7400 DeltaV which is supposed to be enough, yet on my trip back I run out of fuel... Have anyone have any ideas on why? I dont do much corrections, I also tried to fly with mechjeb and with same results... Help :X
  9. I dont know what you guys taking about... my ASAS works perfectly
  10. So... I built 6000 D\V rocket with 3 Jambo tanks + 3 long solid booster + 1 Quarter Jambo tank with Nuclear engine attached to it, that is for the deep space traveling (4s stage) the first stage drops 3 long solid boosters, the second stage drops 3 Jambo tanks, the third stage drops middle Jambo tank and final stage launching the nuclear engine So at 12k after dropping the first stage and starting inclination, my rocked suddenly goes out of control (only during inclination). I tried to add wings, same result, spinning out of control. It looks like the rover on top of the entire structure is VERY heavy (stock rover build) and it pulling the nose down hard Anyone got any tips on how to overcome this issue?
  11. Nice! (long live...short messages)
  12. Hey guys, so I landed my first rover on the Mun. Then I tried to go back to space center and reload, but the rover doesn't appear at "Flight in Progress"! when I left it, it had full batteries, and was able to drive it and all was great
  13. Hey guys, it seems that I cant find a tutorial on youtube on how to lunch from lets say, Mun, and make my way back to Kerbin. I can handle creating maneuvering nodes to Mun, but when I am trying to do it the other way around I just fail... Can someone like... make a video on how to "go back home" from other planets? Cheers
  14. Just was wondering, I saw some guides on how to calculate many different things during takeoff and so on... So do you guys actually do it? Sitting with a notebook and a calculator and doing all that?
  15. hey guys, so I watched this video: on 8:00 he shows an equation where I cant menage to get the sane result as he does. 5.7T*9.8m/s2 = 55.9 while when I calculate it I get 547.428 am I missing something?
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