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Everything posted by psychopoak

  1. Thanks to teamviewer and to my impatience, I make you good sir Hero of the Day!! it indeed solved the problem, and now I wonder how I will not skip the rest of the day in the lab to rush back home and stare at the ksp sky! thanks again for the quick response!
  2. Hi everyone, I am facing difficulties to get clouds in the game since 1.2.1. I had Astronomer's visual pack on my previous carreer but I started from fresh with the new 1.2 version and since then I can't figure out how to install this gorgeous mod. I tried both EVE and SVE, both installed from CKAN or manually but nothing seems to work. which is odd. scatterer effects seem to works as well, but no cloud around the world. I don't know if I missed some configuration steps or if I should mess with the config.cfg or any other file. Anyway here come files to help you help my GameData folder my output.txt thanks in advance guys, I am looking forward to burst through the cloud to reach orbit in my waaaaayyy too touchy rockets
  3. DAMNED! this is pure genius! so simple and so beautiful it should works! Guess I forgot one of my most loved acronym when it comes to KSP : KISS which stands for Keep It Stupid Simple but you're right, the mod still need some polishing but that is why it says "beta", anyway many thanks for the tricks.
  4. ok, it does not seems to pop any exception of any sort on my build, so I guess there should be a fix somehow... I will continue investigate but any help is welcome nevermind, I took a look at the debug menu... it shows a constant stream of red "Xinput dll" so there is your problem... maybe I should go back to 1.6 instead of the beta, would it fix the exception?
  5. ok, nice to see I am not the only one wit this issue. I've seen it reported on the github's bugtracker though, it should be adresed at one point (I hope) but what exactly do you imply with the "excepetion detector"? that it is mainly due to the new version of the mod or to something else? cause the bugtracker report seems to have done everything needed to show it is a bug and not a compatibility issue Anyway, I really hope we will have some fix or some workaround anytime soon
  6. hi everyone, I recently flushed my ksp install to give a proper startup with the last update. I installed AFBW to use my Xbox controller, had to do the trick with the "oldpreset" option to get it to work, but now I encountered a little hickup. the mod doesn't want me to STAGE in any condition. I use a preset I kept before flushing the old install, and STAGE is configured on my start button on my XBox controller. When I try to stage I can see the throttle indicator move a bit, but no action happens there. I tried to remap it on an other input but it does not fix the problem. Space bar works as usual, but it is inconvenient to use with a controller in hand... any idea to help me figure it out? thanks in advance
  7. I am not sure of that, but isn't there a way to disable auto-update on steam client? this will prevent any bad surprise in case of a surprise 1.05 release, and let some time to do a copy of the directory while enjoying a brand new version of the game on the other hand?
  8. ^ This! I realized I had 30+ mods installed at the moment, and I spent enough time in my carreer for not willing to start all over again. and as stated, I would be more concern about 1.1 than 1.05 when it comes to update compatibility. the best way in my opinion is to copy your whole KSP folder to a safe place just before 1.1. then you can play you copied version waiting for your mods to be updated
  9. hi everyone, I'm sure I am not the only one that frequently has to go through some long list of poorly named vessels when I want to quickly build some rockets to achieve any task. only to end up re-building most of it in despite because none them fitted your needs. in order to avoid such a fun-killing episode everytime I prepare a project, I decided to use a simple system (nothing new I guess). I now named every vessel by their objective/destination followed by specificity (lander, lifter, station module,...) which quite does the job, but has some downfalls. I can't really use some cool names as I might forget therefore their original task, and even then I quickly have a long list of items to go through. some might say that sub-assembly functions were made as a solution to this issue, and they are right. I am sure I could be a bit more precautious when I use it or keep optimising a serie of rocket. and that led me wondering if there was a way to create files under wich I could place my vessels in the VAB/SPH? this could helps oragnizing saved vessels by project...or at least that could help me:rolleyes: so any idea?
  10. actually you're right your remark made me look back at ScanSat. after fidling a bit with mechjeb's landing guidance without a solution, I got back to scansat settings and found the culprit. I eventually disabled the option "use mechjeb targert system". once I popped the green light back on this option, the cross disappeared. so thanks for the help guys
  11. hi everyone, Recently I noticed there was a green cross displayed in my map view wich points a couple km west of KSC I have struggled to find where it was from as I have not a damned idea. I tried to deactivate some of my mods without any kind of results. here is a pic : any idea where it comes from and how to remove it? thanks in advance guys
  12. you should try to install the mod "navhud". therefore once you activate the overlay, your point of view will be from "inside" the navball, which renders reaching a waypoint way easier than by using stock navball
  13. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/125495-Helpful-Lady-5-explained-with-ten-hundred-most-commonly-used-words I wish someone would make poster of this. I have seen the "up-goer five" one on XKCD store and was planning to buy it eventually, but shipping cost are huge for Belgium so I wil wait a bit. anyway if anybody would have the guts to make this helpfull lady in poster size, I would buy it in a second
  14. yep, as Stoney3K said, it's works perfectly once you fly IVA and that's mainly my way to use it. it is also cool to use while docking to a station for instance, but it loses a bit of its purpose as the windows are usually tiny on spaceships. and on 3rd person, it can help to orient yourself while approaching a station. When you control camera with the mouse, movements are centered on the ships. but if you use a T-IR, it grants you a whole new range movements centered where the camera is, not on the ships which once again is helpfull but not necessary. for those who want to give it a try, there are free alternatives like FaceTrackNOIR, which works like a T-IR but all you need is a webcam. it is not as powerfull and reliable, but it gives a taste of what to expect.
  15. actually I am a fligthsim enthusiast, so I had the hardware before I knew KSP. I didn't buy it especially for the game. on the other hand, I was curious to see how it would perform in the game when Squad announced the trackIR support. and as you pointed out, it need a bit of thickering and fideling around to be trully comfortable using the device. As I have this since 5+ years, I had plenty of time to find response curves that fit my needs in flightsims, and I am use to move my head to move the camera so I can be relatively acurate, but a 3d mouse should suit your KSP needs way better. I have to pause the hardware in several ocasion as some tiny movements of my body have repercussions in the game, which could be disorienting when you try to set up maneuver nodes for example
  16. you know what... if you want to do so, you can buy using a TrackIR. it will allow 6 degrees of freedom from anywhere your point of view is. it is a bit like controlling a mouse with your head... and it is especially usefull when flying as it is meant to be use in flightsims Edit: sorry, as I read my post it can sound a bit aggressive, but it's not meant to. but what you describe can be achieve with a trackIR. however a 3D mouse should be interesting to use as a inflight controller. but I read several post of people having tried and not being convinced by that usage. what is your opinion on that?
  17. according to the tons of postit in the cockpit with bold "don't touch this" scattered everywhere, they are not allowed to do that much! even a trip to minmus could be a pain as it would at least take two weeks of floating around in the cockpit watching the greatfull emptiness of space. but be sure almost everytime the almighty Kraken hits, some kerbal may have decided to ignore a sticky note and end up screwing the whole ship
  18. don't be silly, "too much ksp" is not a thing I have been through that "wake up early" phase, and IIRC some days later I have been dreaming of a gracious rover hurdling on duna plains... that night I wake up just after this dream and wondered if it was a good idea to get up and do exactly what I dreamed of. but then I realized that I would have to explain to my girlfriend why I was up in the middle of the night playing ksp... anyway I am glad I have KSP. this is game really need long term plan and a bit of organisation and rigor if you want to experience the whole thing, which kind of have a good impact on my everyday life. All hail to Jeb and his colleague, and to SQUAD for this wonderful game
  19. just watch the master doing exactly that : there is all the key to do what you plan to do, coming with the calculation you will have to do.
  20. Torih, my man, if you ever come in Belgium feel free to remind me that I owe you one big delicious beer. I quickly tested your solution in the middle of the night as I could fall asleep, and everything went better for my night as what you pointed out seems to solve the problem. Once I disable input from AFBW, it took a couple of seconds and then I can control my rover without any trouble. Oh boy am I happy! thanks a lot man, you put hope for rover back into my heart. I definitely owe you one
  21. hm...indeed I am. so you say I will then have to choose between AFBW and playing with rover? or could I just disable it when I want to drive a rover? BTW thanks a lot, you are the first to bring that up and I think it might be an interesting clue. I should have a look at that and either find a workaround or make a hard decision. Or, third option, I would then have a good reason to get my hands dirty in the completion of the control panel I planned to make and for with I already have half of the piece... any other thought though?
  22. hi guys I have a bug with rover controls at the moment and can not find a workaround or the origin of the bug. when I try to control a rover it partially goes as expected. driving forward works fine, turning left or right, braking, everything is fine. but when I hit "drive backward" nothing happens. Sometime I see some jittering movement backward, but it merely moves the rover. and once I release the buttons the rover goes full forward, just like if I was pushign the buttons full forward. when I brake, it decelerates but once I release the brakes it goes back to "full forward". the only way for me to regain controls is to hit "full forward". at this point I regain control as if nothing happened...until I try to go backward again. So I tried a vanilla install, I moved the controls for the rover on the numpad, even tried with a USB numpad, removed all my controllers. I tried to build a rover with a rovermate, a command seat, other probes. I put a docking port in the front of the rover, built it in VAB or SPH, nothing seems to worlk. I installed "stock bug fix modules" with no better result and now I lack imagination on where to look. anybody as any sort of idea? thanks in advance
  23. thanks for the support guyz.. @HvP : as you said it is unlikely if it behaves the same with other aircraft. I checked though, and even if I put a docking port in front of the rover, that does not solve anything. trims don't do the trick either. anyway it seems that my graphic card had had enough of all that space to render and died on me yesterday night. it's a good thing it happens now as in Belgium we have a lot of music festival, which will keep me from thinking about my dead hardware, but I will have to troubleshoot my hardware to identify the dead part, and replace it. So thanks for the help, and see you soon with a boosted up computer.
  24. ok, I am close to desperate now... I did everything I could, but no matter what happens everytime I hit "drive backward" it goes la crazy until it consumes every energy stocked, or flips...but even then wheels continue spinning. It does not seems to be linked to my craft file. I started a new quick rover and nothing changed. Even in the sandbox mode, the "rover+skycrane" behaves exactly like any other rover. so I have no idea where to look at...
  25. I am not sur for other rover at the moment, I will need to test. BTW, what do you mean by back up or earlier build? if you think about my career, I don't and I don't know if I would like to restart the whole thing. but if you mean my rover, it is definitely not a problem. I was just messing around with rover so no real hard work as been put into the design.
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