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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Same here. But i'll bet the difference is that we don't live under somebody else's roof that makes odd rules to follow.
  2. [expletive deleted] [expletive deleted] awesome!
  3. I use it, and couldn't care less what others think about it. Haters gonna hate.
  4. Mine doesn't count any longer... It's stuck at year "-67, Day -34--3H, -14m. I've left Bill, Bob & Jeb landed on Duna for the past 20 years or so to make sure I can't kill them, lol.
  5. This is not a problem with KSP. It is the game engine (Unity, developed by a different company) not utilizing hardware resources. Squad can't do much about it. The physics being calculated by the game engine are single threaded, and the GPU is not used for physics. Because of this, the game will lag horribly with high part counts, even on your beast computer with an i7 and 32GB of RAM plus a 4GB video card and an SSD. Until we get actual threading support from Unity, and/or have physics calculations done by the GPU (which is much better suited for such tasks by many orders of magnitude), we will be living in lag central.
  6. I didn't notice any improvement at all regarding physics, though I wasn't expecting any. Anyone should feel free to correct my layman's interpretation of physics in KSP: This is not a problem with KSP, rather it is the game engine (Unity) not utilizing hardware resources. The physics calculations done by the game engine are still single threaded, and don't use more than one CPU core, nor does it use the GPU for physics. Because of this, the game will lag horribly with large part counts, even on your beast computer with an i7 and 32GB of RAM plus a 4GB video card and an SSD. Until we get actual threading support from Unity, and/or have physics calculations done by the GPU (which is much better suited for such tasks by many orders of magnitude), we will be living in lag central. Edit: Also, I believe the physics issue has been discussed at length previously, a forum search should yield better and more complete explanations, so long as they weren't eaten last month.
  7. On twitch @ 930PM EST http://www.twitch.tv/damionrayne He said spread the word, and this is the only place i know to spread soo... get in there!
  8. While I wasn't in the linked thread, I would like to say thanks to Damion, as well as everyone else involved in running this community. Those of us who dearly enjoy this wonderful game are very appreciative of Squad's collective efforts. The trolls in the other thread are nothing more than whiny 12-year-olds who clearly have an entitlement complex - pay no mind to them. At a previous job, my boss would have called them "customers we need to fire".
  9. Must remember not to rest my hand on the space bar while launching.....
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