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Everything posted by NeoMorph

  1. I just moved the decoupler to its own stage 0. The inflatables should only happen at splashdown too (actually didn't the divers add it?). The capsule pretty much sinks as well with it. It's a global problem with all capsules in KSP I have seen. I've built a new build of my mods... and lo and behold the mysterious wobbling has stopped. I've kept the old, broken one and have tried to figure it out. One thing I did notice before the problem occurred is that several icons in my toolbar went nuts and just had that little ? icon that says "oops, can't find the graphic". Whether it was a corruption somewhere or Active Texture Management went bonkers is another problem. But it was just afterwards that my Apollo went all wobbly on me. The new build is solid again. I must have missed something in my rebuild. Will continue to look at it. For your info, here is the list of the mods I have installed. 000_Toolbar ActiveTextureManagement Bobcat's AmericanPack blackheart's Procedural Fairings BobCat's Soyuz Diazo's Landing Height Diazo's Action Group Extender EditorExtensions Firespitter FusTek Space Station Parts JSI RasterPropMonitor KAS kOS Keramzit Procedural Fairings KerbalJointReinforcement KOSMOS KSO - Stubby Orbiter Phase II KWRocketry MechJeb2 MechJeb2RPM ModuleManager_1_5_6.dll NavyFish Docking Port Alignment OLDD Romfarer Docking Camera SCANsatRPM ShipManifest Targetron Telemachus ThunderAerospace TAC Fuel Balancer
  2. Got one for you... If the Alcubierre drive is actually up and running then isn't the craft outside of normal spacetime... i.e. the ship creates its own spacetime that is has compressed in front and expanded behind the craft so the black hole would have no effect on it and no spag hell. BUT... what if sustaining an Alcubierre drive field is affected by gravity (as I have read it does)... wouldn't that mean the drive wouldn't even work near a black hole due to the gravity well. It would mean that once past the event horizon then you are gone. But then, what if the black hole is spinning... a whole new possibility arises.
  3. I don't have Realchutes but I do have KJR installed. Thing is, I know for a fact it didn't used to do this... I have landed and returned several missions with no problems (after I fixed the RPM corruption that is). Something is obviously not happy with that docking port. There seems to be a phantom force that MJ was fighting too when the torque was turned on... I'll start stripping KSP down later on (it's 4:43am here in the UK... another late night) and let you know what is going on. Funny thing is that the Escape tower thing only just happened when I went to launch a Apollo to make the recording. At one point the tower manage to start freaking out so badly it crashed KSP.
  4. Well, I'm just rendering that but I have just found another weird thing happening now. I think another mod is not happy with Apollo... No idea what is causing this... I think I need to strip my build down and find out what is causing this... Edit: Here is the Lem and CSM doing the jiggle...
  5. Actually tried this... and you can't turn the engine off when you turn it on.
  6. I've noticed a wobble in the docking collar though. Especially when you tell MechJeb to go prograde or retrograde. The parachute cover jiggles like crazy at times so I ended up reducing the torque on the CM IIRC. Re the SPS throttle... Wow... simple fixes sometimes fly right over my head. Thanks for that.
  7. Is it possible to make the SPS (the engine on the Service Module) binary... ie not throttle-able.
  8. Heh, I only just planted a flag on the Armstrong Memorial as well... yesterday evening in fact. Surprised me on how big it actually is.
  9. I've come across one quirk that throws me every time I launch. When on the pad I have to remember to click the AGX toolbar Icon to make the menu appear and then click it again to hide it. If I don't, no action group will work, including the default 1-10 ones. It's not a dealbreaker but it's definitely something weird going on.
  10. I used to do this as well, just so that I had extra action groups free. Now Diazo has done an extended Action Group system with 250 action groups I'm pretty much set. Nice thing is that you can use a menu system to fire the action groups, or a keypress OR a joystick.... No end to the fun you can have making a fully functional ship like this now.
  11. So, has anyone found a fix for the exploding science packages when you drop them onto the surface? It's like the packages are made of one part of a hypergolic compound while the Munar regolith is the other.
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-27027200 Only just read about this but it sounds like they are one step closer to doing fully reusable rockets... Now all they have to do is actually land the thing lol. So how many of you think it's going to work? Edit: Just found out that SpaceX aren't that hopeful of a successful landing... Here is the link to the live stream.... http://new.livestream.com/spacex/events/2833937 So, even though it may work well it is going into the ocean.... Makes the poll kind of useless. Edit 2: Annnnnnd.... it's cancelled. Personally I think Bob has been huffing it on the side...
  13. Diazo has really added some good stuff... Especially his Action Group eXtender.
  14. One thing you need do Denny... Add a v13 Service module. This one has the ability to cause an explosion and then start leaking fuel. Seriously though, hands up how many of you have done the 13 mission?
  15. Diazo, how do you save the action groups to the ship. If I revert to the VAB I lose all my action groups that I set up on the launch pad... I'm obviously doing something wrong but for complicated ship builds it's a pain to keep redoing them. EDIT: Arrgg... Don't mind me. I forgot to go to the action groups page in the VAB and THEN go turn on the AGX button.... otherwise you can just press it and nothing happens.
  16. I do so hope this triggers another Space Race.
  17. What altitude are you guys using for Lunar Orbit.... ie what proportion of the real thing are we using these days?
  18. Yeah, I second this. I have been playing with DennyTX's Apollo and there is this docking cone on the LEM that is a right pain to click on. Thank god for Targettron lol. I do hate the fact that at times you go to click on something and the whole ship twitches causing you miss it for some reason (a core problem with KSP I think). Being able to list the parts of the ship would make a lot of help.
  19. OH. MY. GOD!!! DUDE... I gotta say I am running around in circle going crazy here. This sounds freakin PERFECT. Loading KSP with it now. Thanks... you have removed another barrier to my sim becoming actualised. Regarding Shift and control (and spacebar) I found that I really hated them and have always changed them from their default and moved the throttle controls to + and - on the numpad and the spacebar is now my OMGITSALLGOINGWRONGABORTABORTABORT button. For staging I use Page Up as it is out of the way. You would be surprised at how many accidental stagings I did before I did that. But to run the entire missions in sim (ie, not selecting stuff via the three D view) is almost impossible without tons of action groups. So thanks for making my life SOOOOO much easier.
  20. Weird thing is I had RPM already installed. I think I corrupted it when I installed Bobcat's American pack which has RPM in with it as well. Just reinstalling RPM and seeing if that helps.
  21. I still can't get my Kerbals out of the lander lol.... I have to be doing something wrong.
  22. The only thing missing now is a decent CM IVA.... but still.... Remember this picture from the REAL Apollo 11? Love this mod... But there is something to note here. The contact probes were actually on three of the feet, not two. Pedantic score for NeoMorph heh.
  23. As someone who loves using physical switches over using the mouse, I would think it would be a good idea to include a better action group system. The problem is that some of the more complicated craft need more than 10 action groups. Surely it should be possible to add Shift, Alt, Ctrl and combinations to expand the functions. For example. 1 - 10 (what we have now) Shift 1 - 10 Alt 1 - 10 Ctrl 1 -10 Shift+Alt 1 - 10 Shift+Ctrl 1 - 10 Alt + Ctrl 1 - 10 That would give us 70 action groups which we could bind to a proper dashboard... Maybe someone will eventually make a Kerbal Apollo dashboard even (yeah, I have this in mind). Thanks to Telemachus we can extract data and send some back... but being able to bind key systems like this would help a lot. DennyTX has given us a WONDERFUL Apollo rocket that even beats the old Kerpollo. It just makes sense to have a decent control panel to use it.
  24. One question... the LM hatch. How do you switch to the lower view in IVA mode? I can look down from the seats but when I open the hatch door there is another hatch door there which I can't open.
  25. Get Crew Manifest... You can transfer the Kerbs from the CM to the LM and back easy that way.
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