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Posts posted by thetommygunyeah

  1. I know there are mods that fix some of these issues. The game should have these mods already implemented, not making you mod hunt to fix these little problems

    Then the issue is the community gets mad at Squad because they aren't working on resources or career mode. They work in a schedule they get tasks to do over a period of time so they can't just put something in so easily.

    Also, Squad might not want to take the mods away from the Authors.

  2. FFS can you guys stop whining! Now when we finaly have the forum up you instantly demand pics and videos?! Its up to you if you wont be active here anymore.. we wont miss you!

    Yeah, they're trying there best, still working on everything as much as possible. Give them some time.

  3. So hello there!

    I'm Tommygunyeah a long time fan of KSP, finally sorted out the activation e-mail issue and thought this would be the best place to start.

    So yeah, I am a big fan of the game, watching "Trydyingtolive" many months ago. Recently got it on Steam and am in love.

    Started streaming and making videos especially after a great visit on a stream from the CM.

    Finding the game so much fun right now and especially enjoying being able to help others in there missions

    So yeah,

    Thanks :D

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