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Posts posted by skendzie

  1. Career mode will probably be fine, but it annoys me that an unfinished sandbox is put on hold to work on it. I'd far rather all gameplay were finished first, so that exactly what form career mode would take ought to be obvious from the contents of the game at that time.

    There's been several SQUAD articles about this. In the time it takes to polish up the aerodynamics they could get 4 times as much work done on the career. 80/20. The final 20% takes just as long to complete as the first 80% percent. It's time-benefit ratio.

  2. Yeah, squad really should stop fixing bugs and listening to the community! We never should tell squad about the bugs and glitches! It will be good when everybody will be un satisfied and unhappy!

    Seriously, think before you post.

    If you can't tell the difference between the intention of my post and what you're saying, you should think before you post.

  3. All of the people posting have probably got all sorts of mods installed and have their game totally different than stock. The developers should not be run by their modding community. It's should be the other way around.

    And posts like these are necessary to thank the people who worked on this game and show them that not everyone hates their patch.

  4. Jesus I've never seen so much complaining from a community. I'm guessing it's the influx of people from the Steam Summer sale? Anyway, I just want to say bravo to Squad for their continued development of KSP and their hard work that went into the last patch. Aside from a few things it looks very polished. I just hope they don't listen to the community too much and keep doing what they do best.

    Communities for games like these are so damn demanding and nothing will satisfy everyone. There are always a very LOUD group of people that do nothing but bitch, however I am very grateful.


    --We have rules regarding language. Please read them - the mod team--

  5. Everyone seems to be losing the connection here.

    The OPs point is to make the IVA more interesting/fun (I think that's his point) as well as suggestions for the development of your Kerbal's career.

    If you take some of these core mechanics and stick them into the right places, mixed in with some more atmosphere and tension, career mode will be amazing.

    (Tension should rise naturally if there is permadeath with your kerbals!)

  6. KSP is a 32bit program, its always gonna have some slight memory usage issues unfortunately. Im kinda starting to notice some instability with ISA, but haven't isolated it yet (maybe its another mod messin with it..idk)

    @skendzine....im trying to be helpful but I only have so much patience.....you had to read that 5+ times to get that the download is on the blog???? and im the asshole haha...

    @Icebreaker, that's good to know as I run both those mods as well, seems like a good starting point to see if stuff is getting crossed up

    Considering the last sentence in your message to me, yes, you are the asshole.

  7. Suggestions? I have KW Rocketry and a whole bunch of other mods for my rockets, but this is my first plane mod. I realized after I downloaded it I started all stock parts for my rockets, then went to mods for more parts. Should I do the same making planes?

    Also, quick question and request. Can someone post a screen shot of their well flying space plane in the construction hanger? I really want to see what proper center of mass/thrust/and lift look like. ESPECIALLY lift to mass relation.

    Thanks so much!

  8. KhaosCorp, stop being an asshole to everyone. I'm not dumb and I read the first post 5~10 times before figuring out to go to his blog spot, which I learned through people on this forum. I figured out my own mistake before you even commented. So you seriously just commented to act like a smartass and not actually help.

  9. Still doesn't work. I can click on an invisible button that gives me a menu of nothingness.


    OOPS! I'm a poopy face. It works! Just follow the new install instructions with the dev version and it fixed everything. Thanks for the help!

  10. *sigh* I can't get this to work. I deleted the old Satmap, everything, and then upgraded to this version. I can't get the GUI button to open the MapSat to show during my flight. When I replaced the JUST the parts, it worked. But when I replace everything, it doesn't show. Again, I deleted everything before I started, yet I can't get the new one to work. Any suggestions?

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