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  1. Agreed. Let me first say, it's awesome to see that DeadlyReentry is still being developed! I'd like to point you to some tweaking I was doing on DR 1.3 -- just as a reference point, as I'm curious what you might like to do with it. I captured a some reentry data, speed-altitude profiles for various reentry angles (all from the same starting apoapsis). That might be of some use to you. I also tried controlling heat diffusion per atmo density, but got nowhere with that approach; unfortunately, the stock cooling effects tends to cancel out the heating too strongly. Then I tried out picking polynomials that projected the desired heat response per the reentry data set. I found the best result at about V^4.5 * P^1.5. This resulted in a fast onset of reentry heat as insertion angle increased, but a slow onset of heat in the close-but-fatal angles. You can see an example of that here: (youtube). Specifically, I desired that, from 100km apo, (a) reentry angle (pitch at 33km) between 0-5 degrees is always survivable ( up to 9 degrees survivable with heat shielding. © spaceplanes can take off from ground and acheive orbit without any part failing, and (d) spaceplanes can reenter using lift to extend upper atmo deceleration, e.g. space shuttle type S-turns. My current git repo achieves these goals, but it's still far from perfect. Does DR 2.0 have source available somewhere? I'd love to take a look. Otherwise, I'll try it out tomorrow. I'm glad to see this mod being improved :-)
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