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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Clouds... that's cute I've got a mountain blocking my view
  2. Doesn't that mean that there was no way of controlling it?
  3. First of all, they are Kerbals It looks like you're pitching up way to much when you're re-entering making the plane pitch up even more because of the lift that your wings suddenly have, entering the atmosphere. Also never use the physics warp/time warp because it messes up the physics. Another possible solution is to balance or fill your plane's fuel. I suggest this because the fuel usually drains from the front of the plane again, making the plane become unbalanced and more prone to tipping upwards.
  4. It has no function at the moment, maybe it will come with a function in the full release? My guess is that it's an astronaut training center or something?
  5. Oh my god the_bT that was probably the most kerbal way of getting the plane out of the water
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