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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hi Sal! You did it!!! I replaced my physics.cfg with your posted values, set it to read only and there it goes -booom ;-) I love things breaking up in the atmosphere (for the first time *g*) So the lessons learned might be, that KSP writes faulty values in the physics.cfg that prevents atmospheric effects. Thank you so much! Now I can go back to burning things up... hrhrhrhr Mav
  2. Hi Sal! So, I downloaded the module_manager.dll from your link into the gamedata folder. After that, I started KSP, made the stayputnik-hammer-thingy and nothing happened. Here are the shots and files you requested: Shot of the stayputnik-thingy: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20803108/screenshot0.png Settings: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20803108/settings.cfg and the thermal tab: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20803108/screenshot2.png thanks!
  3. Hi! So I made two mistakes: 1) I did copy the KSP.log from my old 1.02 copy of KSP (because I searched for it, and in KSP 1.04 the file is called output_log.txt!) 2) I didn't replace the physics file before. So - I replaced the physics.cfg now and copied the output_log.txt to the dropbox: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20803108/output_log.txt Unfortunately no effects until now...
  4. Hi Sal! I uploaded the ksp.log: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20803108/KSP.log
  5. Hello! At first, I want to make clear, that i've read through the known issues list. I am experiencing the following: - no reentry effects (aka plasma flames) - no atmospheric effects (aka sounding shockwave effects) - "normal" particles and smoke as well as exhaust flames I am using KSP 1.04 STOCK I did already a fresh download from the store and wiped all other data before. No old crafts or else imported, just a clean, fresh download, without any changes. System settings: Windows 7 64 Bit AMD Phenom II X4 920 Processor 4,00 GB RAM Nvidia GTX 260 1GB - latest driver installed (341.44) I had no problem with 1.00 and 1.02, so this is completely new for me. Did not experience any crashes or else - just no effects. Can anyone help me? Mav
  6. Hi! A real cute thing about our Kerbal friends is, they loving snacks. So I was really surprised, when I watched a video about sleeping in space at the ISS (narrated by Samantha Cristoforetti). Because when she went through all of the equipment in her crew cabin it was like Computer A, Computer B, Alarm Speaker, Snacks, Comm Equipment, Sleeping bag... Awesome!! http://www.space.com/29638-sleeping-on-space-station-intimate-look-inside-the-crew-quarters-video.html Mav
  7. Thank you for the links. Will try it out. The transition at daytime launches means that at launch the black skybox should be loaded instead of the starry one. Then it would be like in reality...
  8. Is there a mod that gets the handling of the skybox right? Here an example: If you have a launch at daytime, the sky is blue - everything fine. You ascend through the atmosphere and the starry skybox replaces the blue. This shouldn't happen - as during sunshine in orbit (or very high up in the atmosphere) the sky seems to be dark, because the sun is outshining every star (not to mention distant galaxies!) So I'm questioning, if there is a mod, that handles the transition at daytime launches well. On the other hand, if it does, it should do another transition if you are in orbit and the sun sets behind some planet. The black skybox has to be replaced by the starry skybox, as you would be able to see the stars now. Maybe it is the same process, as if you are grounded at kerbin. If you have sunset, the blue sky is replaced by the starry skybox already. Robert
  9. Just a question: What would it mean to you, Talisar, to implement the parts in the tech tree? I reviewed the part files - there is the same info as in other parts that are included in the tech tree already. What is missing for including your parts? (I am not aware of modding - may sound a stupid question *g*)) They are so great - I love the capabilites of them, but can only use them in sandbox. At the time I have a nice career mode running, and your parts would support my needs there perfectly!!
  10. Thank you, Master Tao! This was exactly what I had in mind!!! The bay doors also look really nice - just what I was looking for! Gorgeous ;-)
  11. Hi Everyone! I was looking for a 3.75m cargo bay useable with the 3.75m rocket parts. I know, there are lots of stock-made solution, but I am looking for a nice-looking part, like the stock cargo bay we got in .25 for the spaceplanes! I spend much time here in the forums as well as on youtube to find any mod that support this. As you might determine out of this post - I was unsuccessful. Maybe I missed some mod out there? Maybe I missed some mod right here? Anyway - I need your help Robert
  12. Welcome to physics! E = 1/2 m*v² Robert
  13. Triple A - Austrian Aerospace Agency ...because I'm a patriot...
  14. Hello! KSP is a really awesome game regarding everything - especially its real physics engine. But, I am missing one (maybe easy to implement) detail about physics: When you launch your rocket during the day, in the real world you don't see any stars in the sky, when you hit space. This is, because the sun (or Kerbol) is so bright, that you can't see the relative faint starlight - just the moon. But if launching at night, you can easily see the stars shining (of course after engine cutoff!) In my opinion this should be implemented during the next update. I know that there is still a list of todo's, but I think it would support the factor of awesomeness (does this word exist?) because if launching at daytime and going over sunset on orbit this would make for a real fascinating experience. I know a couple of ISS vids that show these situations and also heard many astronauts telling about these breathtaking moments. So isn't KSP got to be even more breathtaking? Yours, Robert
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